یومِ الحاق : Youm E Elhaq Meaning in English
Youm E Elhaq in Detail
1) یوم الحاق : Admission Day : (noun) in some states of the United States: a legal holiday commemorating the day the state was admitted to the Union.
Useful Words
یادگار : Commemorating : intended as a commemoration. "A commemorative plaque".
دن : 24-Hour Interval : time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis. "Where have you been for so many days?".
چھٹی کرنا : Holiday : spend or take a vacation.
قانونی : Legal : established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules. "The legal advisor was so stupid he ruined the case".
تھوڑا : Some : relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent. "May I have some words with you?".
حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".
مزدوروں کا اتحاد : Brotherhood : an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer. "You have to join the union in order to get a job".
متحدہ : United : characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity. "Presented a united front".
واشنگٹن : Evergreen State : a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific. "Washington also called Evergreen State".