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Admonishment meaning in Urdu

Admonishment Synonyms


Admonishment Definitions

1) Admonishment, Admonition, Monition : جھڑکنا, دھتکار : (noun) a firm rebuke.

Useful Words

Injunction : حکم , Censure : مذمت کرنا , Berating : ڈانٹ , Chastening : سرزنش , Reproach : ڈانٹ ڈپٹ کرنا , Condemnable : قابل نفرت , Hard-Line : غیر لچک دار اصول , Confirm : مستحکم کرنا , Publisher : شائع کرنے والا , Confirm : تصدیق کرنا , Staunch : کٹر , Brittleness : نزاکت , Employer : ملازمت دینے والا , Stability : ثابت قدمی , Resolutely : بہادرانہ طور پر , Commodity Brokerage : دلال کپمنی , Stable : مستحکم , Jewelry Dealer : زیور کا سوداگر , Consolidate : مستحکم کرنا , Batten : گٹکا , President : سربراہ , Tensor : وہ پٹھا جو جسم کے کسی حصے کو کھنچا ہوا یا تنا ہوا رکھتا ہے , Firm : ثابت قدم , Contractor : ٹھیکے دار , Computer Dealer : کمپیوٹر کا تاجر , Pr Man : عامل تشہیرات , Iphone : آئی فون , Earnest : پرخلوص , Scrim : نسبتاً کھلی بنائی کا سوتی کپڑا , Accounting Firm : حسابی ادارہ , Resolute : پر عزم

Useful Words Definitions

Injunction: a formal command or admonition.

Censure: rebuke formally.

Berating: a severe rebuke.

Chastening: a rebuke for making a mistake.

Reproach: a mild rebuke or criticism.

Condemnable: bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure.

Hard-Line: firm and uncompromising.

Confirm: make more firm.

Publisher: a firm in the publishing business.

Confirm: strengthen or make more firm.

Staunch: firm and dependable especially in loyalty.

Brittleness: firm but easily broken.

Employer: a person or firm that employs workers.

Stability: the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast.

Resolutely: showing firm determination or purpose.

Commodity Brokerage: a brokerage firm dealing in commodities.

Stable: firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation.

Jewelry Dealer: a firm that sells and buys jewelry.

Consolidate: make firm or secure; strengthen.

Batten: a strip fixed to something to hold it firm.

President: an executive officer of a firm or corporation.

Tensor: any of several muscles that cause an attached structure to become tense or firm.

Firm: marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable.

Contractor: someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things.

Computer Dealer: a firm or person that sells and buys computers.

Pr Man: someone employed to arrange publicity (for a firm or a public figure).

Iphone: Famous smartphone developed by American firm Apple.

Earnest: characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions.

Scrim: a firm open-weave fabric used for a curtain in the theater.

Accounting Firm: a firm of accountants who provide accounting and auditing services for a fee.

Resolute: firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination.

Related Words

Rebuke : ملامت

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