Afternoon Tea Afternoon Aftermost Aftermath Afterlife Afterimage Afterglow Aftereffect Afterpains Afterpiece Afters Aftersensation Aftershaft Aftershafted Aftershock Aftertaste Afterthought Afterward Afterwards Afterworld

Afterpains meaning in Urdu

Afterpains Definitions

1) Afterpains : بچے کی پیدائش کے بعد ہونے والا درد : (noun) pains felt by a woman after her baby is born; associated with contractions of the uterus.


Useful Words

Afterbirth : جفت جنین , Aqiqah : عقیقہ , Gestation : امومت , Swaddle : بوتڑے میں باندھنا , Birthing Coach : حاملہ عورت کو بچے کی پیدائش سے متعلق معلومات یا آگاہی فراہم کرنے والا , Astor : برطانوی سیاست دان , Cursorily : سرسری طور پر , Carelessness : لا پروائی , Anguish : شدید درد , Furtive : مکار , Porphyria : پوفائرن میٹابولزم میں پیدائشی غلطی جس سے عصبی اور عضلاتی نسیج میں تبدیلیاں ہوتی ہیں , Convulsion : تشنج , Courting : محبت , Arrhythmia : دل کا غیر معمولی دھڑکنا , Convulsive : تشنجی , Childbed : عالم زچگی , Cardiograph : قلب نگار , Feminine : عورتوں کا , Divorcee : مطلقہ , Babyish : طفلانہ , Palpable : چھو کر محسوس کرنے کے قابل مثلاً نبض , Locomotor Ataxia : ایک قسم کی ریڑھ کی ہڈی کی بیماری , Cradle : بچوں کا کھٹولا , Bassinet : بچے کا جھولا , Neonate : نومولود , Cherub : نونہال , Baby's Room : نرسری , Cordial : پر تپاک , Cephalalgia : سر درد , Rawness : درد , Fedora : ٹوپی

Useful Words Definitions

Afterbirth: the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled from the uterus after the baby is born.

Aqiqah: Aqiqah is an islamic ritual performed by muslims when a baby is born, meat is cooked and eaten.

Gestation: the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus.

Swaddle: wrap a baby securely in a piece of cloth or blanket, with their arms and legs held close to their body. This can help calm and comfort the baby.

Birthing Coach: an assistant (often the father of the soon-to-be-born child) who provides support for a woman in labor by encouraging her to use techniques learned in childbirth-preparation classes.

Astor: British politician (born in the United States) who was the first woman to sit in the British House of Commons (1879-1964).

Cursorily: without taking pains.

Carelessness: the quality of not being careful or taking pains.

Anguish: suffer great pains or distress.

Furtive: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.

Porphyria: a genetic abnormality of metabolism causing abdominal pains and mental confusion.

Convulsion: violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles.

Courting: a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage).

Arrhythmia: an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart.

Convulsive: affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions; resembling a spasm.

Childbed: concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child.

Cardiograph: medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heart.

Feminine: befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman.

Divorcee: a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband.

Babyish: characteristic of a baby.

Palpable: can be felt by palpation.

Locomotor Ataxia: syphilis of the spinal cord characterized by degeneration of sensory neurons and stabbing pains in the trunk and legs and unsteady gait and incontinence and impotence.

Cradle: a baby bed with sides and rockers.

Bassinet: a basket (usually hooded) used as a baby's bed.

Neonate: a baby from birth to four weeks.

Cherub: a sweet innocent baby.

Baby's Room: a child's room for a baby.

Cordial: sincerely or intensely felt.

Cephalalgia: pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs.

Rawness: a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched).

Fedora: a hat made of felt with a creased crown.

Related Words

Pang : اچانک تیز اٹھنے والا درد
