Ghair Mosal KariTibbi QaydKhulot PasandiAlag Honay Ki H...Ghair MaqboliIrtadadMazhab Chornay ...MutmainAkhfaeAnfasalAdam TasalsulMuttahid Honay ...Ek HojanaIthadi RiyasatWafaqi Hukumat ...MamasiyatBahami Rabt HonaBheboodRaij Na HonaTuta Phota

اخفاِء : Akhfae Meaning in English

Akhfae in Detail

1 of 2) اخفاء پوشیدگی : Covertness Hiddenness : (noun) the state of being covert and hidden.


2 of 2) اخفاء : Confidentiality : (noun) the state of being secret.

Useful Words

خفیہ : Covert : secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed. "Covert actions by the CIA".

چھپا ہوا : Concealed : not accessible to view. "Concealed (or hidden) damage".

حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".
