Allen Stewart K... Allen Allegro Allegory Allegorize Allegorise Allegorically Allegorical Allergen Allergenic Allergic Allergic Reaction Allergist Allergy Alleviant Alleviate Alleviation Alleviative Alleviator Alleviatory

Allergen meaning in Urdu

Allergen Definitions

1) Allergen : الرجی پیدا کرنے والی کوئی شے : (noun) any substance that can cause an allergy.


Useful Words

Allergenic : الرجی سے متعلق , Sensitise : حساس بنانا , Allergic Reaction : الرجی , Allergic : الرجی سے ہونے والا , Nasal Congestion : ناک کی بندش , Rigix : الرجی کی دوا , Reagin : الرجی کے تاملات کے متعلق اینٹی باڈی , Addict : نشے کا عادی , Saturation Point : وہ نقطہ جس کے بعد مزید ملاپ ناممکن ہو , Reducer : کم کرنے والا , Adulterant : ملاوٹ , Massive : خالص , Superficial : معمولی , Discharge : خارج کرنا , Comestible : قابل تناول , Consubstantiate : یکجا ہونا , Propellant : دھکیلنے والا , Compose : ترتیب دینا , Contaminant : آلودگی , Char : جلا , Disgorge : پھیلانا , Drug : دوا , Bounce : اچھل کر واپس آنا , Mineralize : معدنی مادے میں بدلنا , Abrasiveness : کھرونچ , Dwindle : گھٹنا , Transmutation : تقلیب کا عمل , Indissoluble : ناقابل حل , Digestive : ہاضم , Medicate : علاج کرنا , Coupon : تصدیق نامہ

Useful Words Definitions

Allergenic: relating to or having the effect of an allergen.

Sensitise: make sensitive to a drug or allergen.

Allergic Reaction: hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity.

Allergic: characterized by or caused by allergy.

Nasal Congestion: nasal blockage usually due to allergy, cold or flu etc.

Rigix: A tablet which is used to treat allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, hives, and itching.

Reagin: an immunoglobulin E that is formed as an antibody against allergens (such as pollen); attaches to cell membranes causing the release of histamine and other substances responsible for the local inflammation characteristic of an allergy.

Addict: someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms.

Saturation Point: (chemistry) the stage at which a substance will receive no more of another substance in solution or in a vapor.

Reducer: a substance capable of bringing about the reduction of another substance as it itself is oxidized; used in photography to lessen the density of a negative or print by oxidizing some of the loose silver.

Adulterant: any substance that lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance.

Massive: being the same substance throughout.

Superficial: of little substance or significance.

Discharge: eliminate (a substance).

Comestible: any substance that can be used as food.

Consubstantiate: become united in substance.

Propellant: any substance that propels.

Compose: form the substance of.

Contaminant: a substance that contaminates.

Char: a charred substance.

Disgorge: cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over.

Drug: a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic.

Bounce: the quality of a substance that is able to rebound.

Mineralize: convert into a mineral substance.

Abrasiveness: the roughness of a substance that causes abrasions.

Dwindle: become smaller or lose substance.

Transmutation: an act that changes the form or character or substance of something.

Indissoluble: (of a substance) incapable of being dissolved.

Digestive: any substance that promotes digestion.

Medicate: impregnate with a medicinal substance.

Coupon: a test sample of some substance.

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