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امانت کھاتہ : Amanat Khata Meaning in English

Amanat Khata in Detail

1) امانت کھاتہ : Deposit Account Time Deposit Account : (noun) a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest.


Useful Words

حساب کرنا : Account : keep an account of. "Give an account to me".

بعد میں : After : happening at a time subsequent to a reference time. "Keep in touch afterwards".

برطرف کرنا : Can : terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position. "The boss fired his secretary today".

امانت : Deposit : Something given for safekeeping. "If your bank account has not been open yet so don`t give this huge amount to Aslam as deposit He always betrays the trust".

سخت : Fixed : fixed and unmoving. "With eyes set in a fixed glassy stare".

فراخ دل : Big : given or giving freely. "Was a big tipper".

دلچسپی : Interest : a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something. "An interest in music".

نقصان : Loss : something that is lost. "What is your loss?".

بنایا ہوا : Made : produced by a manufacturing process. "Bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails".

اطلاع نامہ : Notice : an announcement containing information about an event. "You didn't give me enough notice".

صرف : Alone : without any others being included or involved. "Was entirely to blame".

بچت : Economy : an act of economizing; reduction in cost. "It was a small economy to walk to work every day".

اصطلاح : Term : a word or expression used for some particular thing. "He learned many medical terms".

کونسا : Which : interrogatively. "Which matter that was?".

دستبردار ہونا : Backdown : a retraction of a previously held position. "He made a withdrawal".

Amanat KhataDetailQuiz
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