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Arterial meaning in Urdu

Arterial Sentence

Arterial disease.

Arterial Definitions

1) Arterial : شریانی : (adjective) of or involving or contained in the arteries.

The arterial system.
Arterial blood.


Useful Words

Oximeter : آکسیجن کا آلہ , Pulmonary Vein : شش ورید , Accompanying Vein : عضو سے منسلک نس , Keg : چھوٹا ڈول , Bin : ڈبا بھر , Box : ڈبہ بھر , Jar : مرتبان بھر , Capacity : گنجائش , Polyarteritis : کئی شریانوں کی سوزش , Bottle : بوتل بھر , Carton : کارٹن بھر , Thing : چیز , Bucket : بالٹی بھر , Deflate : کسی شے کی بھری ہوئی ہوا نکالنا , Arteria Hepatica : جگر کی شریان , Basket : ٹوکری بھر , Bowl : پیالہ بھر , Case : ڈبہ بھر , Sack : مقدار جو ایک بورے میں آ جائے , Armful : بازو بھر , Biblical : بائیبل کے مطابق , Extraneous : باہر سے آیا ہوا , Cruise Missile : کروز میزائل , Archival : دستاویزاتی , Arteria Subclavia : ہنسلی کے نیچے بازو کی بڑی شریان , Arteria Communicans : دماغ کی اہم شریانیں , Beat : دھڑکن , Maisonette : چھوٹا گھر , Section : حصہ , Module : جز , Heating Pad : گرم دستہ

Useful Words Definitions

Oximeter: a measuring instrument that measures the oxygen in arterial blood.

Pulmonary Vein: any of four veins that carry arterial blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.

Accompanying Vein: a vein accompanying another structure; a vein may accompany an artery in such a way that the arterial pulses aid venous return.

Keg: the quantity contained in a keg.

Bin: the quantity contained in a bin.

Box: the quantity contained in a box.

Jar: the quantity contained in a jar.

Capacity: the amount that can be contained.

Polyarteritis: inflammation of several arteries.

Bottle: the quantity contained in a bottle.

Carton: the quantity contained in a carton.

Thing: a separate and self-contained entity.

Bucket: the quantity contained in a bucket.

Deflate: collapse by releasing contained air or gas.

Arteria Hepatica: arteries that supply the liver.

Basket: the quantity contained in a basket.

Bowl: the quantity contained in a bowl.

Case: the quantity contained in a case.

Sack: the quantity contained in a sack.

Armful: the quantity that can be contained in the arms.

Biblical: of or pertaining to or contained in or in accordance with the Bible.

Extraneous: not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source.

Cruise Missile: an unmanned aircraft that is a self-contained bomb.

Archival: of or relating to or contained in or serving as an archive.

Arteria Subclavia: either of two arteries that supply blood to the neck and arms.

Arteria Communicans: any of three arteries in the brain that make up the circle of Willis.

Beat: the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart.

Maisonette: a self-contained apartment (usually on two floors) in a larger house and with its own entrance from the outside.

Section: a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical).

Module: a self-contained component (unit or item) that is used in combination with other components.

Heating Pad: heater consisting of electrical heating elements contained in a flexible pad.
