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Asset meaning in Urdu

Asset Sentences

Asset Synonym

Asset Definitions

1) Asset, Plus : اثاثہ, جائیداد : (noun) a useful or valuable quality.


Useful Words

Depreciation : استعمال ختم ہونے کی وجہ سے قدر و قیمت کم ہونا , Forte : کسی شخص کی خاص صلاحیت , Amortisation : وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ اثاثے کی مالیت میں کمی , Book Value : اساسے کی قدر , Monetise : پیسہ بنانا , Worth : اوقات , Good : بھلا , Swag : مال , Ineptitude : ناقابلیت , Decency : معقولیت , Ore : کچی دھات , Pillage : لوٹ کھسوٹ , Call : کہنا , Ability : صلاحیت , Prospect : کوئی قیمتی شے دریافت کرنا , Placer : رکھنے والا , Agropyron Smithii : ایک نایاب اور قیمتی امریکی گھاس , Worthwhile : کار آمد , Drag : قیمتی اشیاء ڈہونڈنا , Hickory : ہکوری کی لکڑی , Detergence : صفائی , Bimli : فائبر کا پودا , Collectable : جمع کرنے کے لائق , Acipenser Huso : ہوسن مچھلی , Araucaria Cunninghamii : آسٹریلیائی صنوبر , Dalbergia Stevensonii : ہونڈوراسی لکڑی , Burglary : چوری , Agua : بڑا مینڈک , Herring : مچھلی کا گوشت , Hunan : چین کا صوبہ , Babassu : تاڑ کا درخت جو عام طور پر براذیل میں پایا جاتا ہے

Useful Words Definitions

Depreciation: decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use.

Forte: an asset of special worth or utility.

Amortisation: the reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years.

Book Value: the value at which an asset is carried on a balance sheet; equals cost minus accumulated depreciation.

Monetise: earn revenue from an (online business, asset, business, etc.).

Worth: the quality that renders something desirable or valuable or useful.

Good: that which is pleasing or valuable or useful.

Swag: valuable goods.

Ineptitude: having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful.

Decency: the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality; the quality of being polite and respectable.

Ore: a mineral that contains metal that is valuable enough to be mined.

Pillage: the act of stealing valuable things from a place.

Call: ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality.

Ability: the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment.

Prospect: explore for useful or valuable things or substances, such as minerals.

Placer: an alluvial deposit that contains particles of some valuable mineral.

Agropyron Smithii: valuable forage grass of western United States.

Worthwhile: sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest.

Drag: search (as the bottom of a body of water) for something valuable or lost.

Hickory: valuable tough heavy hardwood from various hickory trees.

Detergence: detergent quality; the quality of having cleansing power.

Bimli: valuable fiber plant of East Indies now widespread in cultivation.

Collectable: things considered to be worth collecting (not necessarily valuable or antique).

Acipenser Huso: valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas.

Araucaria Cunninghamii: pine of Australia and New Guinea; yields a valuable light even-textured wood.

Dalbergia Stevensonii: Central American tree yielding a valuable dark streaked rosewood.

Burglary: entering a building unlawfully with intent to commit a felony or to steal valuable property.

Agua: largest known toad species; native to Central America; valuable destroyer of insect pests.

Herring: valuable flesh of fatty fish from shallow waters of northern Atlantic or Pacific; usually salted or pickled.

Hunan: a province in southeastern central China between the Nan Ling mountains and the Chang Jiang; noted for its timber and valuable mineral resources.

Babassu: tall feather palm of northern Brazil with hard-shelled nuts yielding valuable oil and a kind of vegetable ivory.

Related Words

Quality : معیار , Advantage : برتری

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