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اٹَل : Atal Meaning in English

Atal Sentence

Atal Synonyms


Atal in Detail

1 of 6) ناگزیر اٹل : Ineluctable Inescapable Unavoidable : (satellite adjective) impossible to avoid or evade:.

2 of 6) ثابت قدم مستحکم اٹل : Firm Steadfast Steady Stiff Unbendable Unfaltering Unshakable Unwavering : (satellite adjective) marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable.

3 of 6) اٹل سختی سے قائم ثابت قدم : Adamant Adamantine Inexorable Intransigent : (satellite adjective) impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason.

4 of 6) اٹل : Unaffected Unmoved Untouched : (adjective) emotionally unmoved.

5 of 6) اٹل جو بدل نہ سکے : Inflexible : (adjective) incapable of change.

6 of 6) اٹل غیر منصرف : Invariable : (adjective) not liable to or capable of change.

Useful Words

احتزاز کرنا : Avoid : stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something. "I was avoiding you only because you were so caught up in the problems of so many political parties".

ارادہ : Conclusion : a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration. "The determination of the country`s survival prevent the Pakistani forces, otherwise India would have become a graveyard long ago".

ٹال دینا : Circumvent : avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues). "Don`t dodge the issue".

وفادار : Fast : unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause. "Ali got the bullet that came towards sameer because he is a firm childhood friend of Sameer".

ناممکن : Impossible : something that cannot be done. "This is impossible".

نمایاں : Marked : strongly marked; easily noticeable. "Walked with a marked limp".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

قرارداد : Declaration : a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote. "Zafar kept his resolution not to see his ex girlfriend anymore".

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