Aurochs Auriscope Auriparus Flavi... Aurify Auriform Auriferous Auricle Auric Aurora Aurora Australis Auroscope Aurous Auspicate Auspice Auspices Auspicious Auspiciousness Aussie Austere Austereness

Aurora meaning in Urdu

Aurora Synonyms


Aurora Definitions

Useful Words

Aurora Australis : فلکیات , Break Up : ٹوٹنا , Break Through : ٹوٹنا , Decompose : زائل ہونا , Barge In : کسی کی گفتگو میں داخل ہونا , Homogenise : بالائی ملانا , Fracture : ہڈی ٹوٹنا , Break Away : ٹوٹنا , Take Ten : ۱۰ منٹ کا وقفہ لینا , Consecutive : لگاتار , Break Up : روکنا , Unseal : مہر کہولنا , Sunder : الگ الگ ہونا , Dash : توڑنا , Break Apart : ٹکڑوں میں بٹنا , Crumb : چورا کرنا , Shatter : چکنا چور ہوجانا , Break Up : ختم کرنا , Break : گرنا , Rebel : انحراف کرنا , Crumble : چورا چورا کردینا , Break Off : دانتوں سے توڑنا , Lapse : وقفہ , Crack : چٹخانا , Bust Up : توڑنا , Adjourn : الگ ہونا , Crush : ٹکڑے کرنا , Knock Out : ٹوٹ جانا , Break : چٹخنا , Break Apart : توڑنا , Foul : اصول توڑنا

Useful Words Definitions

Aurora Australis: the aurora of the southern hemisphere.

Break Up: break or cause to break into pieces.

Break Through: break out.

Decompose: break down.

Barge In: break into a conversation.

Homogenise: break up the fat globules of.

Fracture: break (a bone).

Break Away: break off (a piece from a whole).

Take Ten: take a ten minute break.

Consecutive: successive (without a break).

Break Up: make a break in.

Unseal: break the seal of.

Sunder: break apart or in two, using violence.

Dash: destroy or break.

Break Apart: break up or separate.

Crumb: break into crumbs.

Shatter: break into many pieces.

Break Up: bring the association of to an end or cause to break up.

Break: break down, literally or metaphorically.

Rebel: break with established customs.

Crumble: break or fall apart into fragments.

Break Off: break a small piece off from.

Lapse: a break or intermission in the occurrence of something.

Crack: break partially but keep its integrity.

Bust Up: smash or break forcefully.

Adjourn: break from a meeting or gathering.

Crush: break into small pieces.

Knock Out: destroy or break forcefully.

Break: become fractured; break or crack on the surface only.

Break Apart: break violently or noisily; smash.

Foul: commit a foul; break the rules.

Related Words

Hour : گھڑی کا وقت

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