Automatic Weapon Automatic Washer Automatic Telle... Automatic Teller Automatic Rifle Automatic Gun Automatic Firearm Automatic Data ... Automatically Automation Automatise Automatism Automatize Automaton Automatonlike Automeris Io Automobile Automobile Battery Automobile Driver Automobile Engine

Automatically meaning in Urdu

Automatically Sentence

He answered automatically.

Automatically Synonym


Automatically Definitions

1 of 2) Automatically : خود بخود, اپنے آپ : (adverb) in a reflex manner.

2 of 2) Automatically, Mechanically : خود کار طریقے سے, مشین کی طرح سے : (adverb) in a mechanical manner; by a mechanism.

Useful Words

Automaton : انسان نما مشین , Computer : حساب کرنے والا آلہ , Automation : خود کاری , Default : پہلے سے منتخب , Automate : خود کار بنا دینا , Automatic Washer : دھلائی کی مشین , Addressing Machine : لفافوں پر پتے چھاپنے والی مشین , Jacquard : فرانسیسی موجد جس نے کپڑا بنانے کی مشین ایجاد کی , Automatism : غیر شعوری ردعمل , Sprinkler System : چھڑکاٴو کا نظام , Escape : محفوظ صمام , Reflexly : انعکاسی طور پر , Aerial Ladder : کھلنے والی سیڑھی , Semaphore : اشارہ رسانی , Mechanical Piano : خود کار پیانو , Elevator : لفٹ , Reflex Arc : قوس انعکاس , Flinch : درد پر فطری ردعمل , Blink : جھپک , Disgorgement : الٹی , Shake : کپکپی , Knee Jerk : گھٹنا جھٹکا , Accommodation Reflex : آنکھ کی پتلی کی حرکت , Belch : ڈکار , Mydriasis : آنکھ کی پتلی کا پھیلنا , Light Reflex : آنکھ کی پتلی کا سکڑاؤ , Hiccough : ہچکی , Goose Bump : رونگٹے , Firmly : حفاظت سے , Earnestly : توجہ سے , Differently : مختلف انداز سے

Useful Words Definitions

Automaton: a mechanism that can move automatically.

Computer: a machine for performing calculations automatically.

Automation: the condition of being automatically operated or controlled.

Default: an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified.

Automate: make automatic or control or operate automatically.

Automatic Washer: a home appliance for washing clothes and linens automatically.

Addressing Machine: a printer that automatically prints addresses on letters for mailing.

Jacquard: French inventor of the Jacquard loom that could automatically weave complicated patterns (1752-1834).

Automatism: any reaction that occurs automatically without conscious thought or reflection (especially the undirected behavior seen in psychomotor epilepsy).

Sprinkler System: a system for extinguishing fires; water from a network of overhead pipes is released through nozzles that open automatically with the rise in temperature.

Escape: a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level.

Reflexly: in a reflex manner.

Aerial Ladder: mechanically extendible ladder; used on a fire truck.

Semaphore: an apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms.

Mechanical Piano: a mechanically operated piano that uses a roll of perforated paper to activate the keys.

Elevator: lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building.

Reflex Arc: the neural path of a reflex.

Flinch: a reflex response to sudden pain.

Blink: a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly.

Disgorgement: the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the abdomen through the mouth.

Shake: a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement.

Knee Jerk: a reflex extension of the leg resulting from a sharp tap on the patellar tendon.

Accommodation Reflex: reflex changes in the eyes that enable an object to be focused on the retina.

Belch: a reflex action where excess gas, often from the stomach, is expelled audibly through the mouth. It can result from swallowing air or as a digestive process.

Mydriasis: reflex pupillary dilation as a muscle pulls the iris outward; occurs in response to a decrease in light or certain drugs.

Light Reflex: reflex contraction of the sphincter muscle of the iris in response to a bright light (or certain drugs) causing the pupil to become smaller.

Hiccough: (usually plural) the state of having reflex spasms of the diaphragm accompanied by a rapid closure of the glottis producing an audible sound; sometimes a symptom of indigestion.

Goose Bump: reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation etc.

Firmly: in a secure manner; in a manner free from danger.

Earnestly: in a serious manner.

Differently: in another and different manner.
