Aagah WaqifNeend AanaGehri Neend Mei...Ghundgie Ki Hal...UngnaGhair Faaal HotaSoya HuwaBe KhabarLa IlmDheyan Na Rakhn...Jana BojhaBe HoshHolnakKhofnakBhayanakRungtay Kharay ...Dasht AngaizDasht Paida Kar...Daraoni

بے خَبَر : Be Khabar Meaning in English

Be Khabar in Detail

1) بے خبر لاعلم ناواقف : Incognizant Unaware : (adjective) (often followed by `of`) not aware.


Useful Words

واقف : Aware : (sometimes followed by `of`) having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception. "Due to global epidemic, the police made everyone aware in the market that if anyone keeps his shop opened after eight o`clock, he will be arrested".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

اکثر : Frequently : many times at short intervals. "As often happens".

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