Bedwetter Beduin Bedtime Bedstead Bedspread Bedsore Bedsitting Room Bedsitter Bee Bee Balm Bee Fly Bee House Bee Killer Beebalm Beef Beef Cattle Beef Man Beef Up Beefalo Beefburger

Bee meaning in Urdu

Bee Sentence

He found bee sting treatment.

Bee Definitions

1) Bee : شہد کی مکھی : (noun) any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species.


Useful Words

Cimicidae : کھٹمل , Triggerfish : ایک مچھلی , Fruit Fly : پھلوں کی مکھی , Cockroach : لال بیگ , Class Hexapoda : چھ ٹانگوں والا کیڑا , Anuran : مینڈک , Worm : سنڈی , Actinozoan : مونگے , Shrimp : جھینگا , Mammoth : ایک قسم کا ہاتھی , Bee Fly : شہد کی مکھی جیسی کوئی اور مکھی , Common Horehound : خوشبودار پھولوں والی جڑی بوٹی , Agaricus : کھمبی مشروم کی طرح , Homoptera : پودوں کی کیڑے , Heterograft : ایک جانور کے ٹشو سے دوسرے کا علاج , Intraspecies : ایک ہی قسم کے افراد میں واقع ہونے والا , Anthropology : انسان کا مطالعہ , Able-Bodiedism : طاقتور کے حق میں امتیاز , Loneliness : تنہائی , Swine : سور , Felid : بلی جیسا جانور , Lizard : چھپکلی , Hermit Crab : کیکڑا , Mason Wasp : گارے سے اپنا گھر بنانے والا ایک چھوٹا پرندہ , Terrier : ایک قسم کا شکاری کتا یا جانور , Swan : ایک قسم کا پرندہ , Aztec Lily : میکسیکو میں لگنے والا پودا , Camelia : ایک قسم کی جھاڑی یا سدا بہار پودا جس کے سفید اور گلابی رنگ کے پھولوں ہوتے ہیں , Darning Needle : ایک قسم کی مکھی , Anemone Quinquefolia : گل حسرت , Fur : پشم

Useful Words Definitions

Cimicidae: wingless flat-bodied bloodsucking insects.

Triggerfish: any of numerous compressed deep-bodied tropical fishes with sandpapery skin and erectile spines in the first dorsal fin.

Fruit Fly: any of numerous small insects whose larvae feed on fruits.

Cockroach: any of numerous chiefly nocturnal insects; some are domestic pests.

Class Hexapoda: insects; about five-sixths of all known animal species.

Anuran: any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species.

Worm: any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvae.

Actinozoan: sessile marine coelenterates including solitary and colonial polyps; the medusoid phase is entirely suppressed.

Shrimp: small slender-bodied chiefly marine decapod crustaceans with a long tail and single pair of pincers; many species are edible.

Mammoth: any of numerous extinct elephants widely distributed in the Pleistocene; extremely large with hairy coats and long upcurved tusks.

Bee Fly: hairy nectar-eating fly that resembles a bee; larvae are parasitic on larvae of bees and related insects.

Common Horehound: European aromatic herb with hairy leaves and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes; leaves yield a bitter extract use medicinally and as flavoring.

Agaricus: type genus of Agaricaceae; gill fungi having brown spores and including several edible species.

Homoptera: plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects.

Heterograft: tissue from an animal of one species used as a temporary graft (as in cases of severe burns) on an individual of another species.

Intraspecies: arising or occurring within a species; involving the members of one species.

Anthropology: anthropology is the social science that investigates the origins and social relationships of human beings, encompassing various aspects of human life, culture, and evolution.

Able-Bodiedism: discrimination in favor of the able-bodied.

Loneliness: the state of being alone in solitary isolation.

Swine: stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals.

Felid: any of various lithe-bodied roundheaded fissiped mammals, many with retractile claws.

Lizard: relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail.

Hermit Crab: small soft-bodied marine crustaceans living in cast-off shells of gastropods.

Mason Wasp: solitary wasp that constructs nests of hardened mud or clay for the young.

Terrier: any of several usually small short-bodied breeds originally trained to hunt animals living underground.

Swan: stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult.

Aztec Lily: Mexican bulbous herb cultivated for its handsome bright red solitary flower.

Camelia: any of several shrubs or small evergreen trees having solitary white or pink or reddish flowers.

Darning Needle: slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.

Anemone Quinquefolia: common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers.

Fur: the dressed hairy coat of a mammal.

Related Words

Drone : نر مکھی , Apis Mellifera : شہد کی مکھی

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