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Believable meaning in Urdu

Believable Synonym

Believable Definitions

1) Believable, Credible : قابل بھروسہ, قابل یقین : (adjective) capable of being believed.


Useful Words

Believably : قابل بھروسہ طور پر , Believability : اعتبار , Acceptance : یقین , Computer Virus : نقصان پہنچانے والا کمپیوٹر پروگرام , Palpable : چھو کر محسوس کرنے کے قابل , Retractile : سمٹ جانے والا , Purportedly : مانا جاتا ہے , Hoodoo : منہوس , Iniquitous : گناہ کی بات , Witch Doctor : پیر , Jinx : منحوس , Evil Eye : بری نظر , Charm : چھو منتر , Aim : مقصد , Race : جنس , Fetich : جادو , Manx : دم کٹی بلی , Check : تصدیق , Conjuration : جادو , Aesop's Fables : مختصر کہانیاں , Health Food : صحت بخش غذا , Oracle : پیشنگوئی , Gallina : جنگلی مرغ , Consecrated : مقدس , Hollywood : امریکی فلم انڈسٹری کا , Hoop Snake : بے ضرر امریکی سانپ , Hindemith : جرمن موسیقار , Hormone Replacement Therapy : مصنوعی ہامون دینا , Anguis Fragilis : لمبا سا سست کیڑا , Houri : جنت کی حور , Cosa Nostra : خفیہ تنظیم

Useful Words Definitions

Believably: in a believable manner.

Believability: the quality of being believable or trustworthy.

Acceptance: the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true.

Computer Virus: a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer.

Palpable: capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt.

Retractile: capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back.

Purportedly: believed or reputed to be the case.

Hoodoo: something believed to bring bad luck.

Iniquitous: characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin.

Witch Doctor: someone who is believed to heal through magical powers.

Jinx: a person believed to bring bad luck to those around him.

Evil Eye: a look that is believed to have the power of inflicting harm.

Charm: a verbal formula believed to have magical force.

Aim: the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable).

Race: people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock.

Fetich: a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers.

Manx: a short-haired tailless breed of cat believed to originate on the Isle of Man.

Check: additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct.

Conjuration: a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect.

Aesop's Fables: a collection of fables believed to have been written by the Greek storyteller Aesop.

Health Food: any natural or prepared food popularly believed to promote good health.

Oracle: a prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infallible.

Gallina: small Asiatic wild bird; believed to be ancestral to domestic fowl.

Consecrated: made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use.

Hollywood: a flashy vulgar tone or atmosphere believed to be characteristic of the American film industry.

Hoop Snake: any of various harmless North American snakes that were formerly believed to take tail in mouth and roll along like a hoop.

Hindemith: German neoclassical composer and conductor who believed that music should have a social purpose (1895-1963).

Hormone Replacement Therapy: hormones (estrogen and progestin) are given to postmenopausal women; believed to protect them from heart disease and osteoporosis.

Anguis Fragilis: small burrowing legless European lizard with tiny eyes; popularly believed to be blind.

Houri: (Islam) one of the dark-eyed virgins of perfect beauty believed to live with the blessed in Paradise.

Cosa Nostra: a crime syndicate in the United States; organized in families; believed to have important relations to the Sicilian Mafia.

Related Words

Likely : قابل اعتماد , Plausible : بظاہر معقول , Thinkable : قابل خیال

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