KharaJaan NisarWafa DarBe WafaHalal RizqYaksanNa InsaafGhair MunsifanaBigra HuwaJis Se Ghalti N...Be GunahGhalti Na Karna...MashorMaroofAchi Tarha WaqifGhair ManhoosNaashnaMuzhaka KhaizHansanay Kay LaiqAjeeb O Ghareeb

بگڑا ہوا : Bigra Huwa Meaning in English

Bigra Huwa Sentence

Bigra Huwa in Detail

1 of 2) بگڑا ہوا : Errant : (satellite adjective) straying from the right course or from accepted standards.


2 of 2) خراب بگڑا ہوا : Corrupt Corrupted : (satellite adjective) containing errors or alterations.

Useful Words

مانا ہوا : Accepted : generally approved or compelling recognition. "Several accepted techniques for treating the condition".

ردوبدل : Alteration : an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another. "The change was intended to increase sales".

نصاب : Class : education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings. "He took a course in basket weaving".

ایرر : Computer Error : (computer science) the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer. "When did this error come up?".

ٹھیک : Correct : free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth. "He does right".

کسوٹی : Criterion : a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated. "We are the owner of the company and the girl`s father works in a food kiosk, so we should get our son married according to the standard".

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