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Blameworthiness meaning in Urdu

Blameworthiness Synonyms

Blameworthiness Definitions

1) Blameworthiness, Culpability, Culpableness : سزاواری : (noun) a state of guilt.


Useful Words

Guilty : شرمسار , Absolved : بری , Accuser : الزام عائد کرنے والا , Clean-Handed : بے گناہ , Blameless : بے قصور , Purge : پاک کرنا , Criminative : الزامی , Complicity : جرم میں شرکت داری , Purify : پاک کرنا , Cover For : پردہ پوشی کرنا , Ashamed : شرمندہ , Embarrassment : شرمندگی , Shame : شرمندگی , Nolo Contendere : ایک قسم کا قانون , Conscience Money : کفارہ , Accusal : الزام دہی , Ak : امریکی ریاست الاسکا , Ca : کیلیفونیا , Trance : مدہوشی , Bluegrass State : کینٹوکی , Homelessness : بے گھری , Reversal : مخالف , Sovereignty : حاکمیت , Paradoxical Sleep : نیند کے دوران خواب بینی , Colony : بستی , Omnipresence : ہر جگہ موجود ہونے والا , Companionship : سنگت , Emptiness : خلا , Sadness : افسردگی , Set : لگانا , Add : مزید کہنا

Useful Words Definitions

Guilty: showing a sense of guilt.

Absolved: freed from any question of guilt.

Accuser: someone who imputes guilt or blame.

Clean-Handed: free from evil or guilt.

Blameless: free of guilt; not subject to blame.

Purge: make pure or free from sin or guilt.

Criminative: charging or suggestive of guilt or blame.

Complicity: guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense.

Purify: become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin.

Cover For: provide an excuse or alibi for someone so as to cover up guilt.

Ashamed: feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse.

Embarrassment: the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public.

Shame: a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt.

Nolo Contendere: (law) an answer of `no contest` by a defendant who does not admit guilt but that subjects him to conviction.

Conscience Money: payment made voluntarily to reduce guilt over dishonest dealings.

Accusal: a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person; the act of imputing blame or guilt.

Ak: a state in northwestern North America; the 49th state admitted to the union.

Ca: a state in the western United States on the Pacific; the 3rd largest state; known for earthquakes.

Trance: a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing; a state resembling deep sleep.

Bluegrass State: a state in east central United States; a border state during the American Civil War; famous for breeding race horses.

Homelessness: the state or condition of having no home (especially the state of living in the streets).

Reversal: a change from one state to the opposite state.

Sovereignty: the authority of a state to govern another state.

Paradoxical Sleep: a recurring sleep state during which dreaming occurs; a state of rapidly shifting eye movements during sleep.

Colony: a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state`s system of government.

Omnipresence: the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once).

Companionship: the state of being with someone.

Emptiness: the state of containing nothing.

Sadness: the state of being sad.

Set: put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state.

Add: state or say further.

Related Words

Guilt : قصور
