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Boniface meaning in Urdu

Boniface Synonyms

Boniface Definitions

1) Boniface, Host, Innkeeper : ہوٹل کا مالک : (noun) the owner or manager of an inn.


Useful Words

Dairy Farmer : شیر خانہ دار , Plantation Owner : کاشت کار , Hosteller : مسافرخانے کا منتظم , Company Owner : کمپنی کا مالک , Parasite : طفیلی دوسرے کے دم پر پلنے والا پودا یا جانور , Leech : خوشامدی , Adscript : کمی , Managership : منتظم کا عہدہ , Manageress : منتظمہ , Host : میزبانی کرنا , Hostess : خاتون میزبان , Infest : کثیر تعداد میں رہنا , Ownerless : لاوارث , Alienable : قابل انتقال , Steal : چرانا , Fluke : ایک قسم کا کیڑا , Donor : جسم کا کوئی حصہ دینے والا مدد کے لئے , Rob : ڈاکہ ڈالنا , Abutter : ہمسایہ , Abandoned : ترک کردہ , Home Court : ہوم کورٹ , Heteroecious : طفیلی , Appropriation : قبضہ , Capture : قبضہ , Attorn : مختار بنانا , Haustorium : طفیلی پودے , Renter : کرایہ دار , Autoecious : پودوں کا کیڑا , Acres : ذاتی ملکیت , Emcee : میزبان , Businessman : تاجر

Useful Words Definitions

Dairy Farmer: the owner or manager of a dairy.

Plantation Owner: the owner or manager of a plantation.

Hosteller: an owner or manager of hotels.

Company Owner: a person who is owner or manager of company.

Parasite: an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant); it obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host.

Leech: a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage.

Adscript: (used of persons) bound to a tract of land; hence their service is transferable from owner to owner.

Managership: the position of manager.

Manageress: a woman manager.

Host: be the host of or for.

Hostess: a woman host.

Infest: live on or in a host, as of parasites.

Ownerless: having no owner.

Alienable: transferable to another owner.

Steal: take without the owner`s consent.

Fluke: parasitic flatworms having external suckers for attaching to a host.

Donor: (medicine) someone who gives blood or tissue or an organ to be used in another person (the host).

Rob: take something away by force or without the consent of the owner.

Abutter: the owner of contiguous property.

Abandoned: forsaken by owner or inhabitants.

Home Court: (basketball) the court where the host team plays its home games.

Heteroecious: of parasites; passing through different stages of the life cycle on different host species.

Appropriation: a deliberate act of acquisition of something, often without the permission of the owner.

Capture: the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property.

Attorn: acknowledge a new land owner as one's landlord.

Haustorium: a root-like attachment in parasitic plants that penetrates and obtains food from the host.

Renter: an owner of property who receives payment for its use by another person.

Autoecious: of parasites especially rust fungi; completing the entire life cycle on a single host.

Acres: extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use.

Emcee: a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers).

Businessman: a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive).
