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Boswellia Serrata meaning in Urdu

Boswellia Serrata Synonym

Boswellia Serrata Definitions

1) Boswellia Serrata, Salai : انڈیا کا ایک درخت : (noun) East Indian tree yielding a resin used medicinally and burned as incense.


Useful Words

Butea Frondosa : مشرقی ہندوستان کا ایک درخت جس پر پیلے سرخ پہول ہوتے ہیں , Gamboge Tree : انڈونیشیا کا ایک درخت جس کا پھل بہت فائدہ مند ہوتا ہے , Incense : لوبان کی خوشبو , Callitris Quadrivalvis : صنوبری درخت , Joss Stick : چینی اگر بتی , Incense Stick : اگر بتی , Garcinia Mangostana : مشرقی انڈیا کا ایک درخت , Acrocarpus Fraxinifolius : شنگل کا درخت , Adenanthera Pavonina : سرخ صندل کا درخت , Cassia Marginata : گھوڑے کی دوا کا درخت , Acacia Catechu : کانٹے دار اکاشیا , Camphor : کافور , Agave Sisalana : سیسال پودا , Eucalyptus Viminalis : ایک لمبا درخت , White Elephant : سفید انڈین ہاتھی , Dalbergia Cearensis : دھاریوں والی برازیلی لکڑی , Rauwolfia Serpentina : مشرقی انڈین چڑھنے والی جھاڑی , Burma Padauk : انڈین درخت , Balata : گوند والا درخت , Nothofagus Procera : چلی میں پایا جانے والا لمبا درخت , Dalbergia Stevensonii : ہونڈوراسی لکڑی , African Sandalwood : افریقی صندل , Canistel : فلوریڈا میں پایا جانے والا گرم خطے کا درخت , African Millet : ایک قسم کا باجرہ , Flindersia Australis : آسٹریلیا میں پایا جانے والا تیمر کا لمبا سخت لکڑی والا درخت , Bay-Rum Tree : کائفل کا درخت , Canafistola : گرم خطے کا پھلی دار ایک قسم کا درخت , Cedrus Deodara : ہمالیائی دیار کا درخت , Curry : شوربا , Cockspur : کانٹے دار درخت , Brazilian Rosewood : برازیل میں پایا جانے والا ایک درخت

Useful Words Definitions

Butea Frondosa: East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye.

Gamboge Tree: low spreading tree of Indonesia yielding an orange to brown gum resin (gamboge) used as a pigment when powdered.

Incense: the pleasing scent produced when incense is burned.

Callitris Quadrivalvis: large coniferous evergreen tree of North Africa and Spain having flattened branches and scalelike leaves yielding a hard fragrant wood; bark yields a resin used in varnishes.

Joss Stick: a slender stick of incense burned before a joss by the Chinese.

Incense Stick: a slender stick of incense that produces a fragrant odor when burned.

Garcinia Mangostana: East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit.

Acrocarpus Fraxinifolius: East Indian timber tree with hard durable wood used especially for tea boxes.

Adenanthera Pavonina: East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.

Cassia Marginata: East Indian tree having long pods containing a black cathartic pulp used as a horse medicine.

Acacia Catechu: East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu.

Camphor: a resin obtained from the camphor tree; used in making celluloid and liniment.

Agave Sisalana: Mexican or West Indian plant with large fleshy leaves yielding a stiff fiber used in e.g. rope.

Eucalyptus Viminalis: tall tree yielding a false manna.

White Elephant: albinic Indian elephant; rare and sometimes venerated in east Asia.

Dalbergia Cearensis: Brazilian tree yielding a handsome cabinet wood.

Rauwolfia Serpentina: East Indian climbing shrub with twisted limbs and roots resembling serpents.

Burma Padauk: tree of India and Burma yielding a wood resembling mahogany.

Balata: a tropical hardwood tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber.

Nothofagus Procera: large Chilean timber tree yielding coarse lumber.

Dalbergia Stevensonii: Central American tree yielding a valuable dark streaked rosewood.

African Sandalwood: small shrubby African tree with hard wood used as a dyewood yielding a red dye.

Canistel: tropical tree of Florida and West Indies yielding edible fruit.

African Millet: an East Indian small-seeded cereal grain known for its nutritional value. It`s a staple in some regions and is used to make various foods.

Flindersia Australis: tall Australian timber tree yielding tough hard wood used for staves etc.

Bay-Rum Tree: West Indian tree; source of bay rum.

Canafistola: deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is used medicinally; tropical Asia and Central and South America and Australia.

Cedrus Deodara: tall East Indian cedar having spreading branches with nodding tips; highly valued for its appearance as well as its timber.

Curry: (East Indian cookery) a pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice.

Cockspur: small spiny West Indian tree.

Brazilian Rosewood: an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black.

Related Words

Boswellia : شمالی افریقہ کا ایک درخت

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