Boundlessly Boundless Bounderish Bounder Bounden Boundedness Bounded Boundary Line Boundlessness Bounds Bounteous Bounteously Bounteousness Bountied Bountiful Bountifully Bountifulness Bounty Bouquet Bourdon

Boundlessness meaning in Urdu

Boundlessness Synonyms


Boundlessness Definitions

1) Boundlessness, Infiniteness, Infinitude, Limitlessness, Unboundedness : لا متناہی, لامحدودیت : (noun) the quality of being infinite; without bound or limit.

Useful Words

Scant : ناکافی , Omniscience : ہر چیز کو جاننے کی صلاحیت , Hilbert Space : گول جگہ , Brink : قریب , Task : آخر حد تک استعمال کرنا , Tie : محدود ہونا , Compass : پہنچ , Beyond Measure : لامحدود , Base : تہ , Cap : انتہا , Encroach : تجاوز کرنا , Stretch : انتہائی حد , Brim Over : بہہ جانا , Ad Infinitum : بے انتہا , Timely : ٹھیک وقت پر , Bottomlessness : گہرائی , Restrict : بند کرنا , Speed Demon : تیز چلانے والا , Bound : حد , Chained : زنجیر بند , Vault : کودنا , Bound : پابند , Uncommitted : پابندی سے آزاد , Pledged : حلفی , In : میں , Entail : مخصوص ورثا کو جائیداد دینا , Confine : روکے رکھنا , Unchained : بیڑیوں اور ہتھکڑیوں سے آزاد , Bond Servant : غلام , Wired : تار سے بندھا , Bindery : جلد سازی کی جگہ

Useful Words Definitions

Scant: limit in quality or quantity.

Omniscience: the state of being omniscient; having infinite knowledge.

Hilbert Space: a metric space that is linear and complete and (usually) infinite-dimensional.

Brink: the limit beyond which something happens or changes.

Task: use to the limit.

Tie: limit or restrict to.

Compass: the limit of capability.

Beyond Measure: in excess or without limit.

Base: a lower limit.

Cap: an upper limit on what is allowed.

Encroach: advance beyond the usual limit.

Stretch: extension to or beyond the ordinary limit.

Brim Over: flow or run over (a limit or brim).

Ad Infinitum: to infinity; without or seemingly without limit.

Timely: before a time limit expires.

Bottomlessness: the property of being very deep; without limit.

Restrict: place under restrictions; limit access to.

Speed Demon: a driver who exceeds the safe speed limit.

Bound: the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something.

Chained: bound with chains.

Vault: bound vigorously.

Bound: bound by an oath.

Uncommitted: not bound or pledged.

Pledged: bound by or as if by an oath.

In: directed or bound inward.

Entail: limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs.

Confine: to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement.

Unchained: not bound by shackles and chains.

Bond Servant: someone bound to labor without wages.

Wired: tied or bound with wire.

Bindery: a workshop where books are bound.

Related Words

Quality : معیار

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