Calligraphist Calligraphical Calligraphic Calligrapher Calligraph Caller-Up Caller Callback Calligraphy Calling Calling Card Calliper Callisthenics Callisto Callithump Callitris Quadr... Callosity Callous Calloused Callously

Calligraphy meaning in Urdu

Calligraphy Synonyms


Calligraphy Definitions

Useful Words

Calligraphic : خوش نویسانہ , Calligrapher : خوش نویس , Cacography : خراب لکھائی , Signature : اپنی لکھائی میں اپنا نام لکھنا , Illegible : جو پڑھنے کے لائق نہ ہو , Autographic : ہاتھ سے لکھی تحریر کا , Graphologist : ماہر تحریریات , Italic : ترچھی طباعت , Scrawler : بدخط , Legible : پڑھنے کے قابل لکھائی , Legibility : خوش خطی , Graphology : علم نگارشات , Bibliotics : کتاب شناسی , Cursive : رواں خط , Adorn : سجا دینا , Beautification : حسین بنانے کا عمل , Beautify : سنوارنا , Gracefulness : خوش اسلوبی , Dainty : اچھا , Attractively : دلکش انداز میں , Zain : حسین و جمیل عربی میں , Ravishing : متاثر کن خوبصورت , Gorgeous : لباس , Beauteous : حسین , Gorgeously : شان و شوکت سے , Peri : ایک حسین عورت , Homeliness : بد صورتی , Natural Beauty : قدرتی حسن , Aesthetic : جمالیات , Daintiness : نفاست , Houri : حسینہ

Useful Words Definitions

Calligraphic: of or relating to or expressed in calligraphy.

Calligrapher: someone skilled in penmanship.

Cacography: poor handwriting.

Signature: your name written in your own handwriting.

Illegible: (of handwriting, print, etc.) not legible.

Autographic: written in the author's own handwriting.

Graphologist: a specialist in inferring character from handwriting.

Italic: a style of handwriting with the letters slanting to the right.

Scrawler: a writer whose handwriting is careless and hard to read.

Legible: (of handwriting, print, etc.) capable of being read or deciphered.

Legibility: a quality of writing (print or handwriting) that can be easily read.

Graphology: the study of handwriting (especially as an indicator of the writer's character or disposition).

Bibliotics: the scientific study of documents and handwriting etc. especially to determine authorship or authenticity.

Cursive: rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper.

Adorn: be beautiful to look at.

Beautification: the act of making something more beautiful.

Beautify: make more beautiful.

Gracefulness: beautiful carriage.

Dainty: delicately beautiful.

Attractively: in a beautiful manner.

Zain: Beautiful (Arabic).

Ravishing: stunningly beautiful.

Gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful.

Beauteous: (poetic )beautiful, especially to the sight.

Gorgeously: in an impressively beautiful manner.

Peri: a beautiful and graceful girl.

Homeliness: an appearance that is not attractive or beautiful.

Natural Beauty: a person who is naturally beautiful.

Aesthetic: (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful.

Daintiness: the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance.

Houri: a voluptuously beautiful young woman.

Related Words

Hand : ہاتھ کی لکھائی
