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Carrottop meaning in Urdu

Carrottop Synonyms


Carrottop Definitions

1) Carrottop, Red-Header, Redhead, Redheader : لال بال والا : (noun) someone who has red hair.

Useful Words

Cowlick : لٹ , Aba : جانور کے بالوں سے بنا کپڑا , Down : ملائم بال , Acoustic Nerve : کان کی رگ , Pin Curl : زنانہ پن کے ذریعے باندھی جانے والا لٹ , Coif : بال سنوارنا عورتوں وغیرہ کے , Caesar Cut : بالوں کا ایک انداز , Hairless : بغیر بالوں کے , Curled : گھنگرالے بال , Haired : بالوں والا , Hairiness : روئیں داری , Brow : چوٹی , Bristle : سخت بال , Shagginess : الجھاوٴ , Brush : بال سنوارنا , Capillary : بال کا یا بال سے متعلق , Haircut : بالوں کا انداز , Wavy : لہردار جیسے بال , Haircut : بال کاٹنا , Shave : استرے سے داڑھی بنانا , Ash-Blonde : سنہری بال , Depilate : جسم کی کسی جگہ سے بال صاف کرنا , Shampoo : شیمپو کرنا , Barbate : ڈاڑھی والا , Hairdresser : مشاط , Comb : کنگھا کرنا , Horripilate : رونگٹے کھڑے ہوجانا , Curly : گھنگرالا , Henna : مہندی , Bowl Cut : بالوں کا ایک انداز , Henna : بالوں کو مہندی سے رنگنا

Useful Words Definitions

Cowlick: a tuft of hair that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and usually will not lie flat.

Aba: a fabric woven from goat hair and camel hair.

Down: fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs).

Acoustic Nerve: a composite sensory nerve supplying the hair cells of the vestibular organ and the hair cells of the cochlea.

Pin Curl: a curl of hair made by dampening a strand of hair and curling it and holding the curl with a clip or bobby pin.

Coif: the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair).

Caesar Cut: a hair style of short hair.

Hairless: having no hair or fur.

Curled: of hair having curls.

Haired: having or covered with hair.

Hairiness: the quality of having hair.

Brow: the arch of hair above each eye.

Bristle: a stiff hair.

Shagginess: unkemptness of hair.

Brush: the act of brushing your hair.

Capillary: of or relating to hair.

Haircut: the style in which hair has been cut.

Wavy: (of hair) having waves.

Haircut: the act of cutting the hair.

Shave: the act of removing hair with a razor.

Ash-Blonde: of hair color; whitish.

Depilate: remove body hair.

Shampoo: the act of washing your hair with shampoo.

Barbate: having hair on the cheeks and chin.

Hairdresser: someone who cuts or beautifies hair.

Comb: the act of drawing a comb through hair.

Horripilate: have one`s hair stand on end and get goosebumps.

Curly: (of hair) having curls or waves.

Henna: a reddish brown dye used especially on hair.

Bowl Cut: a hair cut which is cut in bowl shape.

Henna: apply henna to one's hair.

Related Words

Individual : شخص
