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Charitableness meaning in Urdu

Charitableness Definitions

1) Charitableness : سخاوت, غریب پروری : (noun) generosity as manifested by practicing charity (as for the poor or unfortunate).


Useful Words

Hepatic Coma : جگر کی بیماری سے ہونے والا کوما , Form : شکل , Brightness : ذہانت , Astuteness : ہوشیاری , Donate : عطیہ دینا , Charitable : خیراتی , Oblation : قربانی , Uncharitable : غیر خیراتی , Brittle : اکھڑ مزاج , Littleness : کمینہ پن , Miserliness : کنجوسی , Benevolent : لطیف , Bounteousness : فراخدلی , Sadly : رنجیدگی سے , Deplorable : بدقسمتی , Pledge : چندہ دینا , Mean : کنجوس , Hospitable : مہمان نواز , Stinginess : بخل , Abject : بدحال , Pity : بد قسمتی , Catastrophically : تباہ کن طور پر , Homeless : بے گھر شخص , Soup : مشکل میں , Bad Luck : آفت , Deplorably : افسوسناک طور پر , Hard : کڑا , Community Chest : سماجی خیراتی ادارہ , Fuss-Budget : پریشان کن , Amiss : غلط انداز سے , Telethon : ٹی وی پر بیٹھ کر خیرات جمع کرنا لوگوں کے لئے

Useful Words Definitions

Hepatic Coma: coma that can occur in severe cases of liver disease.

Hepatic coma symptoms : Anxiety or restlessness, cognitive impairment (confusion or poor thinking), balance problems may be seen, poor attention sometimes, asterixis, mood swings, muscle twitches, lack of alertness.

Form: a particular mode in which something is manifested.

Brightness: intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty.

Astuteness: intelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings).

Donate: give to a charity or good cause.

Charitable: relating to or characterized by charity.

Oblation: the act of contributing to the funds of a church or charity.

Uncharitable: lacking love and generosity.

Brittle: lacking warmth and generosity of spirit.

Littleness: lack of generosity in trifling matters.

Miserliness: total lack of generosity with money.

Benevolent: showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity.

Bounteousness: generosity evidenced by a willingness to give freely.

Sadly: in an unfortunate way.

Deplorable: bad; unfortunate.

Pledge: pay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals.

Mean: (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity.

Hospitable: disposed to treat guests and strangers with cordiality and generosity.

Stinginess: a lack of generosity; a general unwillingness to part with money.

Abject: most unfortunate or miserable.

Pity: an unfortunate development.

Catastrophically: with unfortunate consequences.

Homeless: someone unfortunate without housing.

Soup: an unfortunate situation.

Bad Luck: an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate.

Deplorably: in an unfortunate or deplorable manner.

Hard: unfortunate or hard to bear.

Community Chest: a charity supported by individual subscriptions; defrays the demands on a community for social welfare.

Fuss-Budget: thinks about unfortunate things that might happen.

Amiss: in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner.

Telethon: a television program or show, for long time, whose purpose is to raise money for charity on telephone.

Related Words

Generosity : سخاوت
