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چوکیدار : Chukidar Meaning in English

Chukidar Synonyms


Chukidar in Detail

1 of 4) نگران ناظم رکہوالہ : Custodian Keeper Steward : (noun) one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals.

2 of 4) پہرے دار چوکیدار : Security Guard Watcher Watchman : (noun) a guard who keeps watch.

3 of 4) چوکیدار : Door Guard Doorkeeper Doorman Gatekeeper Hall Porter Ostiary Porter : (noun) someone who guards an entrance.

4 of 4) چوکیدار محافظ : Gatekeeper : (noun) someone who controls access to something.

Useful Words

حیوان : Animal : a living organism characterized by voluntary movement. "Get aside, the animal has come".

عمارت : Building : a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. "There was a three-story building on the corner".

الزام : Accusation : an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence. "The newspaper published accusations that minister was guilty of trespass".

مضبوط کرنا : Anchor : fix firmly and stably. "Anchor the lamppost in concrete".

محافظ : Guard : a person who keeps watch over something or someone.

رکھنا : Hold On : retain possession of. "Robberies are on the rise these days, so keep the door closed".

ایک : 1 : the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number. "He has the one but will need a two and three to go with it".

دیکھنا : Catch : see or watch. "Didn`t you ever see a girl ?".

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