Clippety-Clop Clipper Clipped Clipboard Clip-Clop Clip Clintonia Borealis Clinton Clipping Clique Cliquish Cliquishly Cliquishness Clitoral Clitoric Cloaca Cloak Cloak-And-Dagger Cloaked Clobber

Clipping meaning in Urdu

Clipping Sentence

He searched through piles of letters and clippings.

Clipping Synonyms


Clipping Definitions

1 of 9) Clipping, Cutting, Newspaper Clipping, Press Clipping, Press Cutting : اخبار کا تراشا : (noun) an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine.

2 of 9) Clipping, Clip, Time : بار : (noun) an instance or single occasion for some event.

3 of 9) Clipping, Clip, Jog, Trot : ہلکے دوڑنا : (verb) run at a moderately swift pace.

4 of 9) Clipping, Clip, Snip : قینچی سے کاٹنا : (noun) the act of clipping or snipping.

5 of 9) Clipping, Clip : کلپ : (noun) any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together.

6 of 9) Clipping, Clip : کلپ سے جوڑنا : (verb) attach with a clip.

7 of 9) Clipping, Clip, Crop, Cut Back, Dress, Lop, Prune, Snip, Trim : شاخ تراشی کرنا : (verb) to cultivate, tend, and selectively trim or cut back the growth of plants or trees to improve their health, shape, or productivity.

8 of 9) Clipping, Clip, Curtail, Cut Short : حذف کرنا, کم کرنا, گھٹانا : (verb) terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent.

Useful Words

Clipped : کٹی , Feature : اخبار وغیرہ میں آنے والا فیچر , Cartoon : کارٹون , Classified : زمرہ بند اشتہارات , Contributor : مضمون نگار جو کسی اخبار وغیرہ کے لئے کام کرے , Page : صفحہ , Think Piece : فکر انگیز مضمون , Masthead : سر ورق , Editor : مرتب کرنے والا , Edition : شمارہ , Gazette : اخبار , Headline : سرخی , Newsworthy : قابل خبر , Want Ad : اخبارات میں ضرورت ہے کا کالم , Agony Column : اخبار کا نجی کالم , Headlinese : مختصر سرخی , Ban : پابندی لگانا , Adolph Simon Ochs : امریکی اخبار شائع کرنے والا , Print : چھپا , Cartoon Strip : کارٹون کہانی , Agony Aunt : نصیحت کار اخبار نویس , 1st Baron Beaverbrook : بیرون بیوربروک , Hearst : امریکی اخبار نویس , Edge Tool : تیز دھار والا اوزار , Cutter : کاٹنے والا , Cutlery : چھری , Chisel : چھینی , Glossy : عمدہ کاغذ والا , Powder Monkey : بارود کی دیکھ بھال کا ذمہ دار شخص , Depress : دبانا , Pack : دبانا یا بٹھانا

Useful Words Definitions

Clipped: cut or trimmed by clipping.

Feature: a special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine.

Cartoon: a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine.

Classified: a short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same type.

Contributor: a writer whose work is published in a newspaper or magazine or as part of a book.

Page: one side of one leaf (of a book or magazine or newspaper or letter etc.) or the written or pictorial matter it contains.

Think Piece: an article in a newspaper or magazine or journal that represents opinions and ideas and discussion rather than bare facts.

Masthead: the title of a newspaper or magazine; usually printed on the front page and on the editorial page.

Editor: a person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication; the person who determines the final content of a text (especially of a newspaper or magazine).

Edition: an issue of a newspaper.

Gazette: a newspaper or official journal.

Headline: the heading or caption of a newspaper article.

Newsworthy: sufficiently interesting to be reported in a newspaper.

Want Ad: a newspaper advertisement stating what is wanted.

Agony Column: a newspaper column devoted to personal problems.

Headlinese: an abbreviated writing style used in newspaper headlines.

Ban: forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper).

Adolph Simon Ochs: United States newspaper publisher (1858-1935).

Print: the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication.

Cartoon Strip: a sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic book.

Agony Aunt: a newspaper columnist who answers questions and offers advice on personal problems to people who write in.

1st Baron Beaverbrook: British newspaper publisher and politician (born in Canada); confidant of Winston Churchill (1879-1964).

Hearst: United States newspaper publisher whose introduction of large headlines and sensational reporting changed American journalism (1863-1951).

Edge Tool: any cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge).

Cutter: someone whose work is cutting (as e.g. cutting cloth for garments).

Cutlery: a cutting implement; a tool for cutting.

Chisel: an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge used for cutting.

Glossy: a magazine printed on good quality paper.

Powder Monkey: someone who carries explosives (as from the magazine to the guns on board a warship).

Depress: press down.

Pack: press down tightly.

Related Words

Fastener : جمانے یا روکنے والا , Gem Clip : کاغذ کا کلپ , Excerpt : اقتباس , Case : واقعہ , Shorten : مختصر کرنا , Attach : منسلک کرنا , Run : بھاگنا

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