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Common Spindle Tree meaning in Urdu

Common Spindle Tree Synonym

Common Spindle Tree Definitions

1) Common Spindle Tree, Euonymus Europaeus : مضاض جڑی بوٹی : (noun) small erect deciduous shrub having tough white wood and cathartic bark and fruit.


Useful Words

Black Elder : کالے آلوچے کا درخت , Fuchsia Excorticata : سیدھا کھڑا گہرے لال رنگ کے پھولوں والا دس فٹ لمبا درخت , Acer Saccharinum : چاندی میپل , Conessi : کرچی کا پیڑ , Medlar : ایک قسم کا چھوٹا درخت , American Cranberry Bush : لال بیری والی جھاڑی , Diospyros Kaki : ایک قسم کا جاپانی پھل , Mangrove : ایک قسم کا درخت , Sea Ash : پیلے پھولوں والا ایک چھوٹا درخت , Andira Inermis : گوبھی کا درخت , Tamarisk : نوکیلے پتوں والی چھاڑی , Carica Papaya : پپیتا , Alnus Serrulata : نرم چھال والی جھاڑی , Flindersia Australis : آسٹریلیا میں پایا جانے والا تیمر کا لمبا سخت لکڑی والا درخت , Elk-Wood : چھتری درخت , Chinese Magnolia : ایک خوبصورت درخت , Arere : مغربی مغربی کا ایک درخت , Confederate Rose : رنگ بدلنے والے پھول , Spinning Wheel : چرخہ , Hibiscus Syriacus : نرگسی گلاب , Balibago : پوراو پودا , Horsebean : موٹی سیم کا پیڑ , Sassafras : پیلے رنگ کا درخت , Gingko : چینی درخت پنکھے کے جیسے پتوں والا , Prunus Avium : شیریں چیری , Acacia Dealbata : ایک قسم کا پودا , Acer Negundo : امریکی سایہ دار میپل , Arbutus Menziesii : ایک قسم کی سدابہار جھاڑی , Ailanthus Altissima : چین میں پایا جانے والا ایک درخت جو تیزی سے بڑھتا ہے , Gleditsia Triacanthos : کانٹے دار امریکی پودا , Common White Dogwood : سفید پھولوں والا درخت

Useful Words Definitions

Black Elder: a common shrub with black fruit or a small tree of Europe and Asia; fruit used for wines and jellies.

Fuchsia Excorticata: erect deciduous shrub or tree to 10 feet with maroon flowers; New Zealand.

Acer Saccharinum: a common North American maple tree; five-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood.

Conessi: tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea.

Medlar: small deciduous tree of southern Africa having edible fruit.

American Cranberry Bush: deciduous North American shrub or small tree having three-lobed leaves and red berries.

Diospyros Kaki: small deciduous Asiatic tree bearing large red or orange edible astringent fruit.

Mangrove: a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that eventually form an impenetrable mass and are important in land building.

Sea Ash: small deciduous aromatic shrub (or tree) having spiny branches and yellowish flowers; eastern North America.

Andira Inermis: tree with shaggy unpleasant-smelling toxic bark and yielding strong durable wood; bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic.

Tamarisk: any shrub or small tree of the genus Tamarix having small scalelike or needle-shaped leaves and feathery racemes of small white or pinkish flowers; of mostly coastal areas with saline soil.

Carica Papaya: tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply palmately cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit.

Alnus Serrulata: common shrub of the eastern United States with smooth bark.

Flindersia Australis: tall Australian timber tree yielding tough hard wood used for staves etc.

Elk-Wood: small deciduous tree of eastern North America having creamy white flowers and large leaves in formations like umbrellas at the ends of branches.

Chinese Magnolia: large deciduous shrub or small tree having large open rosy to purplish flowers; native to Asia; prized as an ornamental in eastern North America.

Arere: large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood.

Confederate Rose: Chinese shrub or small tree having white or pink flowers becoming deep red at night; widely cultivated; naturalized in southeastern United States.

Spinning Wheel: a small domestic spinning machine with a single spindle that is driven by hand or foot.

Hibiscus Syriacus: Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped rose or purple or white flowers and usually three-lobed leaves; widely cultivated in temperate North America and Europe.

Balibago: shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores; yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk; often cultivated for ornament.

Horsebean: large shrub or shrubby tree having sharp spines and pinnate leaves with small deciduous leaflets and sweet-scented racemose yellow-orange flowers; grown as ornamentals or hedging or emergency food for livestock; tropical America but naturalized in southern United States.

Sassafras: yellowwood tree with brittle wood and aromatic leaves and bark; source of sassafras oil; widely distributed in eastern North America.

Gingko: deciduous dioecious Chinese tree having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellow seeds; exists almost exclusively in cultivation especially as an ornamental street tree.

Prunus Avium: large Eurasian tree producing small dark bitter fruit in the wild but edible sweet fruit under cultivation.

Acacia Dealbata: evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers.

Acer Negundo: common shade tree of eastern and central United States.

Arbutus Menziesii: evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orange-red edible berries; wood used for furniture and bark for tanning.

Ailanthus Altissima: deciduous rapidly growing tree of China with foliage like sumac and sweetish fetid flowers; widely planted in United States as a street tree because of its resistance to pollution.

Gleditsia Triacanthos: tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World.

Common White Dogwood: deciduous tree; celebrated for its large white or pink bracts and stunning autumn color that is followed by red berries.

Related Words

Spindle Tree : چھوٹے قد کا یورپی درخت

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