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Comte De Rochambeau meaning in Urdu

Comte De Rochambeau Synonyms

Comte De Rochambeau Definitions

1) Comte De Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien De Vimeur, Rochambeau : فرانسیسی جرنیل : (noun) French general who commanded French troops in the American Revolution, notably at Yorktown (1725-1807).


Useful Words

Comte De Mirabeau : فرانسیسی انقلابی , Comtism : آگسٹو کوم کا فلسفہ , Madame Tussaud : فرانسیسی نمونہ تیار کرنے والا , Comtesse Du Barry : فرانسیسی بادشاہ کی رکھیل , Tumbrel : چھکڑا , Balzac : فرانسیسی ناول نگار , Ancien Regime : قدیم نظام حکومت , Agrippa : رومی جرنل , Haym Salomon : امریکی انقلابی سرمایہ کار , Abbe : فرانس کا پادری یا راہب , Lobsterback : برطانوی فوجی , Frog : فرانسیسی نسل کا شخص , Acadian : کینیڈا میں رہنے والے فرانسیسی آبادکار , Ibert : فرانسیسی موسیقار , Jean Antoine Watteau : فرانسیسی مصور , Maquis : پودوں کے نیچے اگنے والی جھاڑی , Degas : فرانسیسی مصور , Alfred De Musset : فرانسیسی شاعر , Gavotte : قدیم فرانسیسی رقص , Pot-Au-Feu : بکرے کے گوشت کے دم پخت , Maurice Ravel : فرانسیسی موسیقار اور تحریک پیش کرنے والا شخص , Haute Cuisine : کھانا پکانے کا طریقہ , Oriflamme : سرخ پرچم , Jean-Paul Sartre : فرانس کا مصنف , Jacques Offenbach : فرانس کا موسیقی بنانے والا , Old French : قدیم فرانسیسی , Acadia : کینیڈا کا قصبہ , Exocet : بحری جہاز شکن فرانسیسی راہبر میزائل , Comte De Saxe : فرانسیسی جنگجو , Secession : آسٹریا کا اسکول , Babar : تصوری ہاتھی

Useful Words Definitions

Comte De Mirabeau: French revolutionary who was prominent in the early days of the French Revolution (1749-1791).

Comtism: Auguste Comte`s positivistic philosophy that metaphysics and theology should be replaced by a hierarchy of sciences from mathematics at the base to sociology at the top.

Madame Tussaud: French modeler (resident in England after 1802) who made wax death masks of prominent victims of the French Revolution and toured Britain with her wax models; in 1835 she opened a permanent waxworks exhibition in London (1761-1850).

Comtesse Du Barry: courtier and influential mistress of Louis XV who was guillotined during the French Revolution (1743-1793).

Tumbrel: a farm dumpcart for carrying dung; carts of this type were used to carry prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution.

Balzac: French novelist; he portrays the complexity of 19th century French society (1799-1850).

Ancien Regime: a political and social system that no longer governs (especially the system that existed in France before the French Revolution).

Agrippa: Roman general who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Antony and Cleopatra at Actium (63-12 BC).

Haym Salomon: American financier and American Revolutionary War patriot who helped fund the army during the American Revolution (1740?-1785).

Abbe: a French abbot.

Lobsterback: British soldier; so-called because of his red coat (especially during the American Revolution).

Frog: a person of French descent.

Acadian: an early French settler in the Maritimes.

Ibert: French composer (1890-1962).

Jean Antoine Watteau: French painter (1684-1721).

Maquis: a guerrilla fighter in the French underground in World War II.

Degas: French impressionist painter (1834-1917).

Alfred De Musset: French poet and writer (1810-1857).

Gavotte: an old formal French dance in quadruple time.

Pot-Au-Feu: traditional French stew of vegetables and beef.

Maurice Ravel: French composer and exponent of Impressionism (1875-1937).

Haute Cuisine: (French) an elaborate and skillful manner of preparing food.

Oriflamme: a red or orange-red flag used as a standard by early French kings.

Jean-Paul Sartre: French writer and existentialist philosopher (1905-1980).

Jacques Offenbach: French composer of many operettas and an opera (1819-1880).

Old French: the earliest form of the French language; 9th to 15th century.

Acadia: the French-speaking part of the Canadian Maritime Provinces.

Exocet: a guided missile developed by the French government for use against ships.

Comte De Saxe: a French marshal who distinguished himself in the War of the Austrian Succession (1696-1750).

Secession: an Austrian school of art and architecture parallel to the French art nouveau in the 1890s.

Babar: an imaginary elephant that appears in a series of French books for children.

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Full General : اعلی افسر

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