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Cryptic meaning in Urdu

Cryptic Sentences

Cryptic writings.
The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms.

Cryptic Synonyms


Cryptic Definitions

1 of 2) Cryptic, Cryptical, Deep, Inscrutable, Mysterious, Mystifying : خفیہ : (satellite adjective) of an obscure nature.

2 of 2) Cryptic, Cabalistic, Cryptical, Kabbalistic, Qabalistic, Sibylline : مخفی : (satellite adjective) having a secret or hidden meaning.

Useful Words

Meditation : غور و فکر , Unnatural : غیر فطری , Obscurity : گمنامی , Bedim : دھندلا کرنا , Obfuscate : دھندلا کرنا , Veil : پردہ کرنا , Smoke Screen : آڑ , Oracle : پیشنگوئی , Damp : مبہم کرنا , Cognate : فطری , Changeless : مستقل , Suspicion : شک کرنے کی عادت , By Nature : فطری طور پر , Apropos : موزوں , Evil : بدی , Conviviality : خوش مزاجی , Artificial : مصنوعی , Informational : معلوماتی , Conceptional : خیالی , Artificially : مصنوعی طریقے سے , Emotionalism : جذباتی کیفیت , Diagnosing : تشخیص , Ellipsoid : کرہ نما شکل سے متعلق , Paralytic : فالج کے متعلق , Dreamy : خیالی , As Such : بنیادی طور پر , Earthy : خالص , Homogeneous : یکساں , Asserting : اعلانیہ , Homiletic : تبلیغی , Basically : بنیادی طور پر

Useful Words Definitions

Meditation: continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature.

Unnatural: not in accordance with or determined by nature; contrary to nature.

Obscurity: an obscure and unimportant standing; not well known.

Bedim: make obscure or unclear.

Obfuscate: make obscure or unclear.

Veil: to obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil.

Smoke Screen: an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure.

Oracle: a prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infallible.

Damp: make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible.

Cognate: related in nature.

Changeless: unvarying in nature.

Suspicion: being of a suspicious nature.

By Nature: through inherent nature.

Apropos: of an appropriate or pertinent nature.

Evil: having the nature of vice.

Conviviality: a jovial nature.

Artificial: contrived by art rather than nature.

Informational: relating to or having the nature of information.

Conceptional: being of the nature of a notion or concept.

Artificially: not according to nature; not by natural means.

Emotionalism: emotional nature or quality.

Diagnosing: identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon.

Ellipsoid: having the nature or shape of an ellipsoid.

Paralytic: relating to or of the nature of paralysis.

Dreamy: dreamy in mood or nature.

As Such: with respect to its inherent nature.

Earthy: not far removed from or suggestive of nature.

Homogeneous: all of the same or similar kind or nature.

Asserting: relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration.

Homiletic: of the nature of a homily or sermon.

Basically: in essence; at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature.

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