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Crystalize meaning in Urdu

Crystalize Synonyms


Crystalize Definitions

2 of 2) Crystalize, Crystalise, Crystallise, Crystallize : صاف کرنا : (verb) cause to take on a definite and clear shape.

Useful Words

Void : خالی کرنا , Clarity : صفائی , Imagism : منظر نگاری , Brighten : صاف ہونا , Bold : واضع , Manifestation : ظہور , Avoid : احتزاز کرنا , Lucid : واضع , Unclear : غیر واضح , Enigmatic : وہ جو واضع نہ ہو , Clarion : صاف اور بلند , Limpid : صاف شفاف , Weed : گھاس پھوس صاف کرنا , Clarifying : واضح کرنے والی , Shadow : پرچھائیں , Transparence : شفاف , Keep One's Distance : دور رہنا , Limpidly : صاف طور پر , Bright : صاف , Bring Home : قابل فہم بنانا , Clarity : صفائی , Clarify : واضح کرنا , Roving : آوارگی , Knowing : معرفت , Bouillon : شوربا , Atrip : تہوڑا اوپر , Serene : صاف شفاف , Blur : دھندلا کرنا , Clear-Sighted : تیز نظر , Click : ذہن داخل ہونا , Impression : خاکہ

Useful Words Definitions

Void: clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something.

Clarity: free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression.

Imagism: a movement by American and English poets early in the 20th century in reaction to Victorian sentimentality; used common speech in free verse with clear concrete imagery.

Brighten: become clear.

Bold: clear and distinct.

Manifestation: a clear appearance.

Avoid: stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something.

Lucid: having a clear mind.

Unclear: not clear to the mind.

Enigmatic: not clear to the understanding.

Clarion: loud and clear.

Limpid: clear and bright.

Weed: clear of weeds.

Clarifying: that makes clear.

Shadow: shade within clear boundaries.

Transparence: the quality of being clear and transparent.

Keep One's Distance: stay clear of, avoid.

Limpidly: in a clear and lucid manner.

Bright: clear and sharp and ringing.

Bring Home: make understandable and clear.

Clarity: the quality of clear water.

Clarify: make clear and (more) comprehensible.

Roving: travelling about without any clear destination.

Knowing: a clear and certain mental apprehension.

Bouillon: a clear seasoned broth.

Atrip: (of an anchor) just clear of the bottom.

Serene: completely clear and fine.

Blur: to make less distinct or clear.

Clear-Sighted: having sharp clear vision.

Click: become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions.

Impression: a clear and telling mental image.

Related Words

Form : تراشنا

دام زیادہ لگا رہے ہو