Cuban Mahogany Cuban Capital Cuban Bast Cub Cu Ctenoid Ct Cse Cuban Sandwich Cubby Cubbyhole Cube Cube-Shaped Cubelike Cubic Cubical Cubicity Cubicle Cubiform Cubit

Cuban Sandwich meaning in Urdu

Cuban Sandwich Synonyms


Cuban Sandwich Definitions

1) Cuban Sandwich, Bomber, Grinder, Hero, Hero Sandwich, Hoagie, Hoagy, Italian Sandwich, Poor Boy, Sub, Submarine, Submarine Sandwich, Torpedo, Wedge, Zep : بڑا سینڈوچ : (noun) a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States.

Useful Words

Beefburger : ہیمبرگر , Danish : ہلکی پیسٹری , Habanera : کیوبا کا ایک ناچ , Mornay Sauce : ایک چٹنی , Che Guevara : ارجنٹینا کا انقلابی قائد , Acc : امریکی فضائی کمان , Horse Thistle : کانٹے دار پھول , Common Devil's Claw : شیطانی پنجہ ، ایک امریکی پھول دار پودا , Hot Stuffed Tomato : بھنا ٹماٹر , Pizza : پیزہ , Cannelloni : سموسہ یا پیٹیس , Cos : سلاد کی ایک قسم , Epic : طویل تعریفی نظم , Cockspur Hawthorn : مشرقی امریکہ میں پایا جانے والا ایک خاردار درخت , Longhorn : لمبے سینگوں والا , Henry Wadsworth Longfellow : امریکی شاعر , Herd's Grass : لمبی گھاس , Hot Tub : گرم پانی کا ٹب , Mimus Polyglotktos : ایک قسم کا گانے والا پرندہ , Allium Acuminatum : امریکی جنگلی پیاز , Corn Snake : امریکہ میں پایا جانے والا ایک بے ضرر سانپ , Hispid Pocket Mouse : سخت بالوں والا چوہا , Flathead Catfish : امریکی مچھلی , Common Rose Mallow : خوبصورت جھاڑی , Epstein : برطانوی مجسمہ ساز , Golden Seal : شمالی امریکہ میں پائی جانے والی ایک سدابھار جری بوٹی , Capital : بڑے حروف , Conestoga : مسافر گاڑی , Afspc : امریکی فضائی کمان , Lieutenant Jg : نچلے درجے کا لیفٹیننٹ , David Rittenhouse : امریکی ماہر فلکیات

Useful Words Definitions

Beefburger: a sandwich consisting of a fried cake of minced beef served on a bun, often with other ingredients.

Danish: light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese.

Habanera: a Cuban dance in duple time.

Mornay Sauce: onion-flavored creamy cheese sauce with egg yolk and grated cheese.

Che Guevara: an Argentine revolutionary leader who was Fidel Castro`s chief lieutenant in the Cuban revolution; active in other Latin American countries; was captured and executed by the Bolivian army (1928-1967).

Acc: a command that is the primary provider of air combat weapon systems to the United States Air Force; operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and rescue aircraft.

Horse Thistle: European annual wild lettuce having prickly stems; a troublesome weed in parts of United States.

Common Devil's Claw: annual of southern United States to Mexico having large whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long curving beak.

Hot Stuffed Tomato: tomato cases filled with various mixtures and baked briefly.

Pizza: Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese.

Cannelloni: tubular pasta filled with meat or cheese.

Cos: lettuce with long dark-green leaves in a loosely packed elongated head.

Epic: a long narrative poem telling of a hero`s deeds.

Cockspur Hawthorn: eastern United States hawthorn with long straight thorns.

Longhorn: long-horned beef cattle formerly common in southwestern United States.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: United States poet remembered for his long narrative poems (1807-1882).

Herd's Grass: grass with long cylindrical spikes grown in northern United States and Europe for hay.

Hot Tub: a very large tub (large enough for more than one bather) filled with hot water.

Mimus Polyglotktos: long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds.

Allium Acuminatum: a common North American wild onion with a strong onion odor and an umbel of pink flowers atop a leafless stalk; British Columbia to California and Arizona and east to Wyoming and Colorado.

Corn Snake: large harmless snake of southeastern United States; often on farms.

Hispid Pocket Mouse: large stiff-haired rodent of shortgrass prairies of United States.

Flathead Catfish: large catfish of central United States having a flattened head and projecting jaw.

Common Rose Mallow: showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large rose-colored flowers.

Epstein: British sculptor (born in the United States) noted for busts and large controversial works (1880-1959).

Golden Seal: perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves.

Capital: one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis.

Conestoga: a large wagon with broad wheels and an arched canvas top; used by the United States pioneers to cross the prairies in the 19th century.

Afspc: a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible for defending the United States through its space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations.

Lieutenant Jg: an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant and above ensign.

David Rittenhouse: United States astronomer said to have built the first telescope made in America; also the first director of the United States Mint (1732-1796).

Related Words

Sandwich : ایک نمکین ڈش

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