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Depravation meaning in Urdu

Depravation Synonyms


Depravation Definitions

1) Depravation, Corruption, Degeneracy, Depravity, Putrefaction : بد کاری, بگاڑ, اخلاقی زوال : (noun) moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles.

Useful Words

Infection : اخلاقی بیماری , Righteousness : نیکی , Morally : اخلاقی طور پر , Unprincipled : بے اصول , Ethical : اخلاقی , Unrighteousness : بے انصافی , Probity : صداقت , Feelings : جذبات , Conscience : ضمیر , Good : شریف , Cleanness : پاکیزگی , Beholden : احسان مند , Moralise : اخلاقی شکل دینا , Miscreant : عیاش , Warp : ذہنی دبائو , Sin : گناہ کرنا , Good : عمدہ , Unwholesome : مضر , Undergird : مضبوط کرنا , Moralistic : اخلاق پرستانہ , Scruple : جھجھکنا , Sound : پاکیزہ , Lewd : شہوت پرست , Churn Up : اخلاقیات تباہ کرنا , Actus Reus : غلط عمل , Comfort : دلاسا دینا , Offender : گناہ گار , Anomie : معاشرے میں اخلاقی معیار کی کمی , Wholesome : صحت بخش , Homily : تبلیغی خطبہ , Deeds : دستاویز حقیقت کی امانتی تحویل

Useful Words Definitions

Infection: moral corruption or contamination.

Righteousness: adhering to moral principles.

Morally: with respect to moral principles.

Unprincipled: lacking principles or moral scruples.

Ethical: adhering to ethical and moral principles.

Unrighteousness: failure to adhere to moral principles.

Probity: complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles.

Feelings: emotional or moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity).

Conscience: motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a person`s thoughts and actions.

Good: of moral excellence.

Cleanness: without moral defects.

Beholden: under a moral obligation to someone.

Moralise: interpret the moral meaning of.

Miscreant: a person without moral scruples.

Warp: a moral or mental distortion.

Sin: commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law.

Good: moral excellence or admirableness.

Unwholesome: detrimental to physical or moral well-being.

Undergird: lend moral support to.

Moralistic: narrowly and conventionally moral.

Scruple: hesitate on moral grounds.

Sound: free from moral defect.

Lewd: suggestive of or tending to moral looseness.

Churn Up: cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of.

Actus Reus: activity that transgresses moral or civil law.

Comfort: give moral or emotional strength to.

Offender: a person who transgresses moral or civil law.

Anomie: lack of moral standards in a society.

Wholesome: conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being.

Homily: a sermon on a moral or religious topic.

Deeds: performance of moral or religious acts.

Related Words

Immorality : غیر اخلاقی

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