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Die-Hard meaning in Urdu

Die-Hard Sentence

An inflexible (or die hard) conservative.

Die-Hard Synonym

Die-Hard Definitions

1) Die-Hard, Rock-Ribbed : کٹر, قدامت پسند : (satellite adjective) tradition-bound and obstinately opinionated.


Useful Words

Chipboard : ہارڈ بورڈ , Pyrene : پھلوں کے اندر پائی جانے والی گٹھلی , Marble : سنگ مرمر , Tufa : مسام دار چٹان , Blast : زور سے مارنا , Bash : زور سے مارنا , Abrade : رگڑ نا , Dig : محنت کرنا , Asperity : سخت گیری , Difficult : بے قابو , Trying : دشوار , Harden : سخت تر کر دینا , Ossify : سخت ہونا , Seed : گٹھلی , Tug : کھینچنا , Walloper : مکے باز شخص , Unbeatable : ناقابل شکست , Blow : پھونکنا , Horse Trader : بہترین سودے باز , Creaky : خستہ حال , Hard Worker : جدوجہد کرنے والا , Tug : زور اور کوشش سے کھینچنا , Scour : مانجھ کے صاف کرنا , All-Day Sucker : ایک قسم کی ٹافی , Shot : ضرب , Insufflate : اندر سانس لینا , Montan Wax : معدنی موم , Hard : کڑا , Harden : سخت سے سخت تر بنانا , Battered : سخت استعمال سے خراب , Smack : چماٹ مارنا

Useful Words Definitions

Chipboard: a cheap hard material made from wood chips that are pressed together and bound with synthetic resin.

Pyrene: the small hard nutlet of a drupe or drupelet; the seed and the hard endocarp that surrounds it.

Marble: a hard crystalline metamorphic rock that takes a high polish; used for sculpture and as building material.

Tufa: hard volcanic rock composed of compacted volcanic ash.

Blast: hit hard.

Bash: hit hard.

Abrade: rub hard or scrub.

Dig: work hard.

Asperity: something hard to endure.

Difficult: hard to control.

Trying: hard to endure.

Harden: become hard or harder.

Ossify: cause to become hard and bony.

Seed: a little hard fruit.

Tug: pull hard.

Walloper: a very hard hitter.

Unbeatable: hard to defeat.

Blow: exhale hard.

Horse Trader: a hard bargainer.

Creaky: worn and broken down by hard use.

Hard Worker: someone who works as hard as a slave.

Tug: move by pulling hard.

Scour: clean with hard rubbing.

All-Day Sucker: hard candy on a stick.

Shot: a blow hard enough to cause injury.

Insufflate: blow or breathe hard on or into.

Montan Wax: a hard wax obtained from lignite.

Hard: unfortunate or hard to bear.

Harden: make hard or harder.

Battered: damaged especially by hard usage.

Smack: deliver a hard blow to.

Related Words

Inflexible : اٹل

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