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Doctrinaire meaning in Urdu

Doctrinaire Sentence

He was a doctrinaire political person.

Doctrinaire Synonym

Doctrinaire Definitions

1) Doctrinaire, Dogmatist : کٹر : (noun) a stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions.


Useful Words

Curmudgeon : ناہنجار , Upstart : مغرور , Prig : خود پسند , High-Muck-A-Muck : مغرور , Radical : بنیاد پرست , Bigot : ہٹ دھرم , Heretic : رافض , Important Person : اہم شخص , Dissembler : منافق , Cussedly : ڈھٹائی سے , Contrariness : مخالفت , Domestic Ass : گدھا , Amerce : جرمانہ لگانا , Retiring : محتاط , Arrogantly : تکبر سے , Overweening : مغرور , Priggishness : ریا کاری , Assumption : دیدہ دلیری , High Horse : تکبر , Swaggerer : شیخی باز , Oppressive : جابرانہ , Bigheaded : مغرور , Autonomy : خود مختاری , Humble : عاجزانہ , Symbol : اشارہ , Disdainful : مغرور , Countdown : الٹی گنتی گننا , Differ : مختلف ہونا , Opinionated : اپنی رائے سے نہ ہٹنے والا , Concord : اتحاد , Concurrence : اتفاق رائے

Useful Words Definitions

Curmudgeon: a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas.

Upstart: an arrogant or presumptuous person.

Prig: a person regarded as arrogant and annoying.

High-Muck-A-Muck: an arrogant or conceited person of importance.

Radical: a person who has radical ideas or opinions.

Bigot: a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own.

Heretic: a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion).

Important Person: a person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events.

Dissembler: a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives.

Cussedly: in a stubborn unregenerate manner.

Contrariness: deliberate and stubborn unruliness and resistance to guidance or discipline.

Domestic Ass: domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass; patient but stubborn.

Amerce: punish with an arbitrary penalty.

Retiring: not arrogant or presuming.

Arrogantly: in an arrogant manner.

Overweening: presumptuously arrogant.

Priggishness: exaggerated and arrogant properness.

Assumption: audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to.

High Horse: an attitude of arrogant superiority.

Swaggerer: someone who walks in an arrogant manner.

Oppressive: marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior.

Bigheaded: (used colloquially) overly conceited or arrogant.

Autonomy: immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence.

Humble: marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful.

Symbol: an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance.

Disdainful: having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy.

Countdown: counting backward from an arbitrary number to indicate the time remaining before some event (such as launching a space vehicle).

Differ: be of different opinions.

Opinionated: obstinate in your opinions.

Concord: agreement of opinions.

Concurrence: agreement of results or opinions.

Related Words

Drumbeater : سخت گیر
