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Documented meaning in Urdu

Documented Synonyms


Documented Definitions

1) Documented, Attested, Authenticated : مصدقہ, تصدیق شدہ : (satellite adjective) established as genuine.

Useful Words

Monograph : یک موضوعی رسالہ , Fake : جعلی , Attestation : تصدیق , Synthetic : جعلی , Base : نقلی , Sincere : مخلص , Back : ثابت کرنا , Pseudo : جعلی , Pucka : خالص , Counterfeit : جعلی , Actual : اصل , Unaffected : مخلصانہ , Attest : توثیق کرنا , Probate : وصیت نامے کی تصدیق , Fob Off : جعل سازی سے فروخت کرنا , Relocate : نئی جگہ نقل مکانی کرنا , Locate : بسنا , Unsettled : غیر مستحکم , Habit : عادت , Lawful : جائز , Certain : یقینی , Authorised : تصدیق شدہ , Rebel : انحراف کرنا , Unlawful : غلط , Bounded : محدود , Routinely : عام انداز سے , Unconfirmed : غیر مستحکم , Itinerary : راستہ , Constituted : مانا ہوا , Contestant : مخالف , Approved : منظورشدہ

Useful Words Definitions

Monograph: a detailed and documented treatise on a particular subject.

Fake: not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article.

Attestation: the evidence by which something is attested.

Synthetic: not genuine or natural.

Base: debased; not genuine.

Sincere: open and genuine; not deceitful.

Back: establish as valid or genuine.

Pseudo: (often used in combination) not genuine but having the appearance of.

Pucka: absolutely first class and genuine.

Counterfeit: not genuine; imitating something superior.

Actual: being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something.

Unaffected: free of artificiality; sincere and genuine.

Attest: authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity.

Probate: a judicial certificate saying that a will is genuine and conferring on the executors the power to administer the estate.

Fob Off: sell as genuine, sell with the intention to deceive.

Relocate: become established in a new location.

Locate: take up residence and become established.

Unsettled: not settled or established.

Habit: an established custom.

Lawful: having a legally established claim.

Certain: established beyond doubt or question; definitely known.

Authorised: sanctioned by established authority.

Rebel: break with established customs.

Unlawful: having no legally established claim.

Bounded: having the limits or boundaries established.

Routinely: according to routine or established practice.

Unconfirmed: not finally established or settled.

Itinerary: an established line of travel or access.

Constituted: brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established.

Contestant: a person who dissents from some established policy.

Approved: established by authority; given authoritative approval.

Related Words

Echt : اصلی

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