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Dolefully meaning in Urdu

Dolefully Sentence

His mother looked at him dolefully when he told her he had joined the Army.

Dolefully Synonym

Dolefully Definitions

1) Dolefully, Sorrowfully : رنجیدگی سے : (adverb) with sadness; in a sorrowful manner.


Useful Words

Sorrowfully : غم گینی سے , Lugubriously : غمگین انداز میں , Sadly : غم گینی سے , Bereaved : جدائی کا غم , Mourn : غم کا اظہار کرنا , Tearfulness : روتے ہوئے , Regret : افسوس , Melancholy : غمگینی , Pensive : اداس , Doleful : رنج دہ , Cheerlessness : افسردگی , Dolefulness : رنجیدگی , Cry : رونا , Sorrow : غم , Unhappy : رنجیدہ , Melancholia : جنون , Sentimentalism : جذباتیت , Firmly : حفاظت سے , Appropriately : مناسب طریقے سے , Weightily : سنجیدہ طور پر , Cause : قائل کرنا , Earnestly : توجہ سے , However : چاہے جیسے بھی , Decent : مناسب طور پر , Wryly : ٹیڑھے پن سے , Differently : مختلف انداز سے , Becomingly : مناسب طور سے , Volitionally : مرضی سے , Alike : ایک ہی طرح سے , Fain : مرضی سے , Gaily : خوش دلی سے

Useful Words Definitions

Sorrowfully: in a sorrowful manner.

Lugubriously: in a sorrowful lugubrious manner.

Sadly: with sadness; in a sad manner.

Bereaved: sorrowful through loss or deprivation.

Mourn: feel sadness.

Tearfulness: sadness expressed by weeping.

Regret: sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment.

Melancholy: a feeling of thoughtful sadness.

Pensive: showing pensive sadness.

Doleful: filled with or evoking sadness.

Cheerlessness: a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness.

Dolefulness: sadness caused by grief or affliction.

Cry: shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain.

Sorrow: an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement.

Unhappy: experiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent.

Melancholia: extreme depression characterized by tearful sadness and irrational fears.

Sentimentalism: the excessive expression of tender feelings, nostalgia, or sadness in any form.

Firmly: in a secure manner; in a manner free from danger.

Appropriately: in an appropriate manner.

Weightily: in a serious manner.

Cause: cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner.

Earnestly: in a serious manner.

However: in whatever way or manner.

Decent: in the right manner.

Wryly: in a wry manner.

Differently: in another and different manner.

Becomingly: in a becoming manner.

Volitionally: in a willing manner.

Alike: in a like manner.

Fain: in a willing manner.

Gaily: in a gay manner.

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