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Draw And Quarter meaning in Urdu

Draw And Quarter Synonyms

Draw And Quarter Definitions

1) Draw And Quarter, Draw, Quarter : ہاتھ پاوں گھوڑوں سے باندھ کر قتل کرنا : (verb) pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him.


Useful Words

15 Minutes : پندرہ منٹ , Quadrant : ایک دائرے کا چوتھائی حصہ , Quarterly : چوتھائی کے متعلق , 440 Yards : چار سو چالیس گز , 11 November : یوم مارٹن , Farthing : برتانوی سکہ , Ghetto : یہودیوں کی خاص بستی , Michaelmas : ضیافت میکائیل , Candlemas : عیسائیوں کا مذہبی تہوار , Quartile : نقطہ تقسیم , Quarter Section : چوتھائی مربع میل , Christmas : عیسائیوں کی عید , Quarter Horse : ایک قسم کا گہوڑا , Pentecost : ایسٹر کے بعد ساتویں اتوار کو ایک مسیحی تہوار جس میں حواریوں پر روح القدس کے نازل ہونے کی یاد منائی جاتی ہے , Breathe In : سانس اندر لینا , Close : نزدیک آنا , Bleed : خون بہانا , Contract : سکڑنا , Circumscribe : دائرہ بند کرنا , Cartoon : کارٹون بنانا , Deflect : دھیان ہٹانا , Capitalise : فائدہ اٹھانا , Breathe : سانس لینا , Delimit : حدود متعین کرنا , Exploit : بروئے کار لانا , Gather : شکن , Uncork : بوتل کا کارک کہولنا , Adduct : کھینچنا , Cart : کھینچنا , Lace : سوراخ کے ذریعے ڈالنا , Unsheathe : غلاف سے باہر نکالنا

Useful Words Definitions

15 Minutes: a quarter of an hour.

Quadrant: a quarter of the circumference of a circle.

Quarterly: of or relating to or consisting of a quarter.

440 Yards: a unit of length equal to a quarter of 1 mile.

11 November: the feast of Saint Martin; a quarter day in Scotland.

Farthing: a former British bronze coin worth a quarter of a penny.

Ghetto: formerly the restricted quarter of many European cities in which Jews were required to live.

Michaelmas: honoring the archangel Michael; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland.

Candlemas: feast day commemorating the presentation of Christ in the temple; a quarter day in Scotland.

Quartile: (statistics) any of three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts each containing one quarter of the scores.

Quarter Section: a land unit equal to a quarter of a section (160 acres) and measuring 1/2 mile on a side.

Christmas: a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland.

Quarter Horse: a small powerful horse originally bred for sprinting in quarter-mile races in Virginia.

Pentecost: seventh Sunday after Easter; commemorates the emanation of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles; a quarter day in Scotland.

Breathe In: draw in (air).

Close: draw near.

Bleed: draw blood.

Contract: become smaller or draw together.

Circumscribe: draw a line around.

Cartoon: draw cartoons of.

Deflect: draw someone`s attention away from something.

Capitalise: draw advantages from.

Breathe: draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs.

Delimit: set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something.

Exploit: draw from; make good use of.

Gather: draw together into folds or puckers.

Uncork: draw the cork from (bottles).

Adduct: draw a limb towards the body.

Cart: draw slowly or heavily.

Lace: draw through eyes or holes.

Unsheathe: draw from a sheath or scabbard.

Related Words

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