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Droppings meaning in Urdu

Droppings Synonyms

Droppings Definitions

1) Droppings, Dung, Muck : گوبر : (noun) fecal matter of animals.


Useful Words

Muck : کیچڑ ہٹانا , Hepatitis A : کالا یرقان درجہ اول , Holozoic : غذا ہضم کرنے والا , Mire : کیچڑ لگانا , Mucky : آلودہ , Coprolite : سوکھا سخت فضلہ , Tumbrel : چھکڑا , Zoonotic : وہ بیماری جو جانوروں سے انسانوں میں پھیلے , Doctrinally : نظریاتی لحاظ سے , Vacuity : خلا , Vacuous : خالی , Goo : گاڑھی شئے , Prosaically : غیر دلچسپ طور سے , Barf : متلی ہونا , Extraneous : غیر وابستہ , Squabbler : جھگڑالو , Vacuity : خالی , Residue : بچی کھچی شے , Corporality : مادیت , Deposit : تلچھٹ , Subject : موضوع , Thereinafter : آگے چل کر , Irrelevance : لاتعلقی , Addendum : ضمیمہ , Commission : معاملے پرغور کرنے والا گروہ , Recitation : تلاوت , Arrange : ترتیب دینا , Hole : کھوکھلا , Natural Philosophy : طبیعیات , Materialist : مادہ کے علاوہ کسی اور وجود کو نہ مانے والا شخص , Cite : طلب کرنا

Useful Words Definitions

Muck: remove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine.

Hepatitis A: an acute but benign form of viral hepatitis caused by an RNA virus that does not persist in the blood serum and is usually transmitted by ingesting food or drink that is contaminated with fecal matter.

Holozoic: obtaining nourishment as animals do by ingesting complex organic matter.

Mire: soil with mud, muck, or mire.

Mucky: dirty and messy; covered with mud or muck.

Coprolite: fossil excrement; petrified dung.

Tumbrel: a farm dumpcart for carrying dung; carts of this type were used to carry prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution.

Zoonotic: zoonotic refers to diseases, infections, or agents that can be transmitted between animals and humans, posing the risk of infection or disease transmission from animals to people or vice versa.

Doctrinally: as a matter of doctrine.

Vacuity: the absence of matter.

Vacuous: devoid of matter.

Goo: any thick, viscous matter.

Prosaically: in a matter-of-fact manner.

Barf: the matter ejected in vomiting.

Extraneous: not pertinent to the matter under consideration.

Squabbler: someone who quarrels about a small matter.

Vacuity: a region that is devoid of matter.

Residue: matter that remains after something has been removed.

Corporality: the quality of being physical; consisting of matter.

Deposit: matter that has been deposited by some natural process.

Subject: the subject matter of a conversation or discussion.

Thereinafter: in the following part of a given matter, as in a document or speech.

Irrelevance: the lack of a relation of something to the matter at hand.

Addendum: textual matter that is added onto a publication; usually at the end.

Commission: a special group delegated to consider some matter.

Recitation: written matter that is recited from memory.

Arrange: set (printed matter) into a specific format.

Hole: a depression hollowed out of solid matter.

Natural Philosophy: the science of matter and energy and their interactions.

Materialist: someone who thinks that nothing exists but physical matter.

Cite: call in an official matter, such as to attend court.

Related Words

Bm : فضلہ

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