Bilkal TheekMan ChlaGhair AmliBalemalNaqabil KashtZameen Jis Par ...Kasht CardBe MashemaDurust Na HonaWaqt Se Pehle Z...Umar Se Zyada P...PasmandaZaeef AlaqalTiflana UmarZaeef AlaqalQabil E Pesh GoePehle Se Socha ...Tay KardaUjlat Mein Kia ...Ghair Tayyar Shuda

درُست نہ ہونا : Durust Na Hona Meaning in English

Durust Na Hona in Detail

1 of 2) غیر صحیح درست نہ ہونا : Inexact : (adjective) not exact.


2 of 2) درست نہ ہونا : Imprecise : (adjective) not precise.

Useful Words

بالکل صحیح : Exact : marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact. "An exact mind".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

بلکل ٹھیک : Precise : sharply exact or accurate or delimited. "You called me at the precise time".

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