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Dustman meaning in Urdu

Dustman Synonyms


Dustman Definitions

1) Dustman, Garbage Carter, Garbage Collector, Garbage Hauler, Garbage Man, Garbageman, Refuse Collector : صفائی کرنے والا : (noun) someone employed to collect and dispose of refuse.

Useful Words

Incinerator : بھٹی , Operative : نجی تفتیش کار , Sponger : اسفنج اکٹھا کرنے والا شخص , Accumulator : جمع کرنے والا , Boycott : بائیکاٹ کرنا , Disobey : نافرمانی کرنا , Antiquarian : ماہر عتیقیات , Raffle : ریفل لاٹری , Junk : کباڑ میں ڈالنا , Care : نپٹانا , Philatelist : ٹکٹ جمع کروانے والا , Coin Collector : سکے جمع کرنے والا , Conchologist : خول کار , Allure : للچانا , Tolbooth : محصول خانہ , Forage : ادھر ادھر ڈھونڈنا , Accumulate : جمع کرنا , Impose : عائد کرنا , Assemble : اکٹھا ہونا , Call For : حاصل کرنا , Corral : جمع کرنا , Botanise : نباتاتی پڑھائی کرنا , Farm : نفع جمع کرنا , Salvage : ڈہونڈ نکالنا , Bagman : رشوت لینے یا تقسیم کرنے والا , Spy : جاسوسی کرنا , Deny : تسلیم نہ کرنا , Repudiate : ادا نہ کرنا , Balk : ماننے سے انکار کرنا , Decline : انکار کرنا , Cut : نظر انداز کرنا

Useful Words Definitions

Incinerator: a furnace for incinerating (especially to dispose of refuse).

Operative: someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information.

Sponger: a workman employed to collect sponges.

Accumulator: a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes).

Boycott: refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with.

Disobey: refuse to go along with; refuse to follow; be disobedient.

Antiquarian: an expert or collector of antiquities.

Raffle: dispose of in a lottery.

Junk: dispose of (something useless or old).

Care: be in charge of, act on, or dispose of.

Philatelist: a collector and student of postage stamps.

Coin Collector: a collector and student of money (and coins in particular).

Conchologist: a collector and student of mollusc shells.

Allure: dispose or incline or entice to.

Tolbooth: a booth at a tollgate where the toll collector collects tolls.

Forage: collect or look around for (food).

Accumulate: collect or gather.

Impose: impose and collect.

Assemble: collect in one place.

Call For: gather or collect.

Corral: collect or gather.

Botanise: collect and study plants.

Farm: collect fees or profits.

Salvage: collect discarded or refused material.

Bagman: a racketeer assigned to collect or distribute payoff money.

Spy: secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage.

Deny: refuse to accept or believe.

Repudiate: refuse to recognize or pay.

Balk: refuse to comply.

Decline: refuse to accept.

Cut: refuse to acknowledge.

Related Words

Hauler : مال پہنچانے والا

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