Expedient Expectorator Expectorate Expectedness Expected Value Expectation Expectant Expectancy Expedite Expedition Expeditious Expeditiously Expel Expend Expendable Expender Expending Expenditure Expense Expensive

Expedite meaning in Urdu

Expedite Sentence

Expedite Synonym

Expedite Definitions

1 of 2) Expedite, Hasten : تیز کرنا : (verb) speed up the progress of; facilitate.

This should expedite the process.


2 of 2) Expedite : تیزی لانا : (verb) process fast and efficiently.

I will try to expedite the matter.

Useful Words

Sonic : صدائی لہروں کا , Machmeter : ہوا کی پیمائش کرنے والا میٹر , Supersonic : آواز کی رفتار سے زیادہ تیز , Rapid : تیز رفتار , Caprifig : جنگلی انجیر , Binder : باندھنے والا , Tone : پٹہوں کے تناوٴ کی معمول کی حالت , Acrosome : نطفے کا ملاپ , Afoot : رواں , Underfoot : راستے میں , Blockade : ناکہ بندی , Advance : بڑھاوا دینا , Ladder : سیڑھیاں , Clear Sailing : آسانی , Advance : اصلاح , Progressive : ترقی یافتہ , Advancement : فروغ , Cramp : روکنا , Block : روکنا , Holding Pattern : جمود , Impediment : رکاوٹ , Flow : ابل پڑنا , Dead End : تعطل , Climb : اوپر چڑھنا , Liberality : آزاد خیالی , Field : وہ جگہ جہاں فوجی اپریشن ہورہے ہوں , Measure : قدم , Scorekeeper : نمبر لکھنے والا , Arrive : پہنچنا , Balk : رخنہ , Extreme Right-Winger : لکیر کا فقیر

Useful Words Definitions

Sonic: (of speed) having or caused by speed approximately equal to that of sound in air at sea level.

Machmeter: speedometer for measuring the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound.

Supersonic: (of speed) greater than the speed of sound in a given medium (especially air).

Rapid: characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed.

Caprifig: wild variety of the common fig used to facilitate pollination of certain figs.

Binder: something used to bind separate particles together or facilitate adhesion to a surface.

Tone: the elastic tension of living muscles, arteries, etc. that facilitate response to stimuli.

Acrosome: a process at the anterior end of a sperm cell that produces enzymes to facilitate penetration of the egg.

Afoot: currently in progress.

Underfoot: in the way and hindering progress.

Blockade: prevents access or progress.

Advance: contribute to the progress or growth of.

Ladder: ascending stages by which somebody or something can progress.

Clear Sailing: easy unobstructed progress.

Advance: a change for the better; progress in development.

Progressive: favoring or promoting progress.

Advancement: encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something.

Cramp: prevent the progress or free movement of.

Block: hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of.

Holding Pattern: a state of inaction with no progress and no change.

Impediment: any structure that makes progress difficult.

Flow: move or progress freely as if in a stream.

Dead End: a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible.

Climb: go upward with gradual or continuous progress.

Liberality: an inclination to favor progress and individual freedom.

Field: a region in which active military operations are in progress.

Measure: any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal.

Scorekeeper: an official who records the score during the progress of a game.

Arrive: reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress.

Balk: something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress.

Extreme Right-Winger: an extreme conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism.

Related Words

Aid : مدد کرنا , Action : دعوی کرنا
