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Father Christmas meaning in Urdu

Father Christmas Synonyms


Father Christmas Definitions

1) Father Christmas, Kriss Kringle, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Santa, Santa Claus, St. Nick : ایک فرضی شخص, ایک فرضی بوڑھا آدمی جو بچوں کے لیے کرسمس پر کھلونے لاتا ہے : (noun) the legendary patron saint of children; an imaginary being who is thought to bring presents to children at Christmas.

Useful Words

Advent : کرسمس سے پہلے کے پانچ ہفتے , Lord Of Misrule : قائد لہو و لعب , Dad : پا پا , Abies Balsamea : امریکی صنوبر , Sainthood : بزرگی , Saintliness : بزرگی , Valentine : یوم ویلنٹائن پر محبوب کو دیا جانے والا کارڈ , Canonise : ولی بنانا , Anthem : حمد , 11 November : یوم مارٹن , Saint : درویش , Aura : نورانی ہالہ , Valentine : محبوب , Angelic : ولی کے مشابہ , Miracle Play : انجیل کے واقعات کے بارے میں , Bogeyman : بھوت , Babar : تصوری ہاتھی , Barrenness : بانجھ پن , Patronym : آبائی لقب , Gramps : نانا , Eusebius Hieronymus : ہرونیمس عیسائی پیشوا , Father-In-Law : دلہا یا دلہن کے والد , Paternal Aunt : پھپھی , Great Grandfather : پر دادا , Fatherless : بن باپ کے , Paternity : باپ ہونے کی حقیقت , Agnate : جدی رشتہ دار , Granduncle : ماں باپ کے انکل , Paternal : آبائی , Patricide : اپنے باپ کو قتل کرنے والا , Agnate : باپ دادا کی طرف سے

Useful Words Definitions

Advent: the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas.

Lord Of Misrule: a person appointed master of revels at a Christmas celebration.

Dad: an informal term often used by children to refer to their father. In some contexts, it can also be used affectionately or playfully by someone to refer to his or her romantic partner.

Abies Balsamea: medium-sized fir of northeastern North America; leaves smell of balsam when crushed; much used for pulpwood and Christmas trees.

Sainthood: the status and dignity of a saint.

Saintliness: the quality of resembling a saint.

Valentine: a card sent or given (as to a sweetheart) on Saint Valentine's Day.

Canonise: declare (a dead person) to be a saint.

Anthem: a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation).

11 November: the feast of Saint Martin; a quarter day in Scotland.

Saint: a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization.

Aura: an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint.

Valentine: a sweetheart chosen to receive a greeting on Saint Valentine's Day.

Angelic: marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint.

Miracle Play: a medieval play representing episodes from the life of a saint or martyr.

Bogeyman: an imaginary monster used to frighten children.

Babar: an imaginary elephant that appears in a series of French books for children.

Barrenness: the state (usually of a woman) of having no children or being unable to have children.

Patronym: a family name derived from name of your father or a paternal ancestor (especially with an affix (such as -son in English or O'- in Irish) added to the name of your father or a paternal ancestor).

Gramps: the father of your father or mother.

Eusebius Hieronymus: (Roman Catholic Church) one of the great Fathers of the early Christian Church whose major work was his translation of the Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek into Latin (which became the Vulgate); a saint and Doctor of the Church (347-420).

Father-In-Law: the father of your spouse.

Paternal Aunt: sister of your father.

Great Grandfather: a father of your grandparent.

Fatherless: having no living father.

Paternity: the state of being a father.

Agnate: one related on the father's side.

Granduncle: an uncle of your father or mother.

Paternal: belonging to or inherited from one`s father.

Patricide: a person who murders their father.

Agnate: related on the father's side.

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