Flat Out Flat Knot Flat Flask Flashy Flashpoint Flashlight Flashiness Flat-Hat Flatboat Flatfoot Flathead Catfish Flatly Flatness Flatten Flatten Out Flatter Flatterer Flattery Flattop

Flat-Hat meaning in Urdu

Flat-Hat Synonym

Flat-Hat Definitions

1) Flat-Hat, Hedgehop : نچلی پرواز کرنا : (verb) fly very close to the ground.


Useful Words

Adpressed : دبا ہوا , Dismantle : گرانا , Flatten : چپٹا ہونا , Disc-Shaped : چپٹا , Kepi : ایک قسم کی فوجی ٹوپی , Cheroot : سگار , Disc : گول ٹکیہ نما , Flatten : ہموار بنانا , Spank : سزا کے طور پر چو تڑوں پر تھپڑ رسید کرنا , Glass Cutter : شیشہ ساز , Porkpie : مردانہ ہیٹ , Air Mattress : ہوائی گدہ , Thwack : ٹہونکنا , Mat : چٹائی , Roof Garden : مکان کی چھت پر لگایا گیا باغیچہ , Temple : انسانی ماتھے کے دونوں طرف کا چپٹا حصہ , Slap : کسی چپٹی شے کی ضرب لگانا , Folding Chair : موڑے والی کرسی , Coin : سکہ , Boater : ایک قسم کا تاج والا مرغا , Atlantic Moonfish : چندا مچھلی , Cake : سموسہ , Irregular : ناہموار , Floe : بہتا ہوا برف , Cancel : تنسیخ , Lever : کنڈی , Horizontal Surface : افقی یا سیدھی سطح , Cimicidae : کھٹمل , Semigloss : نصف چمک دمک والا , Slap : طمانچہ , Block : ٹکڑا

Useful Words Definitions

Adpressed: pressed close to or lying flat against something.

Dismantle: tear down so as to make flat with the ground.

Flatten: become flat or flatter.

Disc-Shaped: having a flat circular shape.

Kepi: a cap with a flat circular top and a visor.

Cheroot: a cigar with both ends cut flat.

Disc: a flat circular plate.

Flatten: make flat or flatter.

Spank: a slap with the flat of the hand.

Glass Cutter: someone who cuts flat glass to size.

Porkpie: man`s hat with a low, flat crown and a snap brim.

Air Mattress: a mattress that can be stored flat and inflated for use.

Thwack: a hard blow with a flat object.

Mat: a thick flat pad used as a floor covering.

Roof Garden: a garden on a flat roof of a building.

Temple: the flat area on either side of the forehead.

Slap: hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand.

Folding Chair: a chair that can be folded flat for storage.

Coin: a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money.

Boater: a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown.

Atlantic Moonfish: any of several silvery marine fishes with very flat bodies.

Cake: small flat mass of chopped food.

Irregular: (of a surface or shape); not level or flat or symmetrical.

Floe: a flat mass of ice (smaller than an ice field) floating at sea.

Cancel: a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat.

Lever: a flat metal tumbler in a lever lock.

Horizontal Surface: a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line.

Cimicidae: wingless flat-bodied bloodsucking insects.

Semigloss: a paint that dries with a finish between glossy and flat.

Slap: a blow from a flat object (as an open hand).

Block: a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides).

Related Words

Aviate : طیارہ اڑانا

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