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Fly Off The Handle meaning in Urdu

Fly Off The Handle Synonyms


Fly Off The Handle Definitions

Useful Words

Counterblow : منہ توڑ جواب , Winnow : لگنا , Bang : ضرب , Winnow : پہونک مارکر اڑانا , Wallop : کاری ضرب , Concussion : چوٹ , Waft : ہلکے سے مارنا , Set In : ہوا کا ساحل کی طرف چلنا , Belt : ضرب لگانا , Biff : مکا , Flash Point : تشدد کا مقام , Smack : چماٹ مارنا , Swing : وار , Shot : ضرب , Boot : لات , Insufflate : اندر سانس لینا , Swat : ضرب لگانا , Brunt : صدمہ , Thwack : ٹہونکنا , Black Eye : چوٹ سے نیلی ہوئی آنکھ , Kayo : بےہوش کرنے والا مکا , Stroke : مارنا , Tapping : کھٹ کھٹ کی آواز , Dent : نشان , Knockdown : کاری ضرب , Pat : تھپکی کی آواز , Stun : بد حواس کر دینا , Flick : تھپ تھپانا , Jab : تیزی سے ہاتھ کی حرکت جیسے مکے بازی , Slap : طمانچہ , Slap : طمانچہ مارنے کا عمل

Useful Words Definitions

Counterblow: a return blow; a retaliatory blow.

Winnow: blow on.

Bang: a vigorous blow.

Winnow: blow away or off with a current of air.

Wallop: a severe blow.

Concussion: any violent blow.

Waft: blow gently.

Set In: blow toward the shore.

Belt: deliver a blow to.

Biff: (boxing) a blow with the fist.

Flash Point: point at which something is ready to blow up.

Smack: deliver a hard blow to.

Swing: a sweeping blow or stroke.

Shot: a blow hard enough to cause injury.

Boot: the act of delivering a blow with the foot.

Insufflate: blow or breathe hard on or into.

Swat: hit swiftly with a violent blow.

Brunt: main force of a blow etc.

Thwack: a hard blow with a flat object.

Black Eye: a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye.

Kayo: a blow that renders the opponent unconscious.

Stroke: strike a ball with a smooth blow.

Tapping: the sound of light blow or knock.

Dent: an impression in a surface (as made by a blow).

Knockdown: a blow that knocks the opponent off his feet.

Pat: the sound made by a gentle blow.

Stun: make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow.

Flick: touch or hit with a light, quick blow.

Jab: a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow).

Slap: a blow from a flat object (as an open hand).

Slap: the act of smacking something; a blow delivered with an open hand.

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