Frisking Friskiness Frisk Frippery Fringy Fringe Benefit Fringe Frill Frisky Frisson Fritillaria Plu... Fritter Fritter Away Frivol Frivol Away Frivolity Frivolous Frizz Frizzle Frock

Frisky meaning in Urdu

Frisky Sentence

Baby, you`re so frisky.

Frisky Synonym


Frisky Definitions

1) Frisky, Kittenish : چلبلا, چنچل, شوخ : (satellite adjective) playful like a lively kitten.

Useful Words

Caper : اچھل کود , Playfully : کھیل کے طور پر , Arch : شرارتی , Devilish : شرارت سے , Hoax : دھوکہ کھانا , Coy : شرمیلا , Archly : مکاری سے , Faerie : خیالی مخلوق , Coy : ڈاماڈول , Booming : ترقی پاتا , Animate : جان ڈالنا , Canty : پھرتیلا , Dashing : جواں مرد , Chirpiness : خوشی , Elating : پر جوش , Perked Up : خوش کردینا , Allegro : تیز اور چاق و چوبند انداز میں , Excitement : بے قراری , Hot Spot : تفریح کا مرکز , Bouncing : زندگی سے بھرپور , Allegro : چست انداز , Ginger Up : مزید دلچسپ اور پرجوش بنانا , Dull : کم کرنا , Chipper : خوش و خرم , Boisterousness : ادھم , Friskiness : زندہ دلی , Samba : مقبول برازیلی رقص سمبا , Spiritedly : زندہ دلی سے , Crossfire : خیالات کا گرماگرم تبادلہ , Hooray Henry : بابو , Fanfare : ڈھول کی تھاپ

Useful Words Definitions

Caper: a playful leap or hop.

Playfully: in a playful manner.

Arch: naughtily or annoyingly playful.

Devilish: playful in an appealingly bold way.

Hoax: subject to a playful hoax or joke.

Coy: affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way.

Archly: in_an_arch_manner; with playful slyness or roguishness.

Faerie: a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers.

Coy: showing marked and often playful or irritating evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or committing statement.

Booming: very lively and profitable.

Animate: make lively.

Canty: lively and brisk.

Dashing: lively and spirited.

Chirpiness: cheerful and lively.

Elating: making lively and joyful.

Perked Up: made or become more cheerful or lively.

Allegro: in a quick and lively tempo.

Excitement: the feeling of lively and cheerful joy.

Hot Spot: a lively entertainment spot.

Bouncing: marked by lively action.

Allegro: a brisk and lively tempo.

Ginger Up: make more interesting or lively.

Dull: make less lively or vigorous.

Chipper: having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air.

Boisterousness: the property of being noisy and lively and unrestrained.

Friskiness: lively high-spirited playfulness.

Samba: a lively ballroom dance from Brazil.

Spiritedly: in a spirited or lively manner; with animation and vivacity.

Crossfire: a lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions.

Hooray Henry: a lively and ineffectual upper-class young man.

Fanfare: (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments.

Related Words

Playful : چنچل

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