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Fructose meaning in Urdu

Fructose Synonyms


Fructose Definitions

1) Fructose, Fruit Sugar, Laevulose, Levulose : مٹھاس, شہد اور پھلوں میں پائی جانے والی شکر : (noun) a simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits.

Useful Words

Caramel Bun : شہد والا بن , Saccharify : شکر میں تبدیل کرنا , Invert Sugar : شکر جو پھلوں میں قدرتی طور پر بنتی ہے , Glycolic Acid : گلائیکولی تیزاب جو بے رنگ قلمی ہوتا ہے , Marshmallow : ایک قسم کی مٹھائی , Molasses : گڑ , Conserve : مربہ , Chutney : چٹنی , Candy : مٹھائی , Sherbert : مشروب , Pectin : ایسا تیزاب جو کھانے والی چیزوں میں پایا جاتا ہے , Raspberry : رس بھری , Sugary : شکر دار , Nonsweet : بغیر شکر کا , Saccharify : شکر بنانا , Persimmon : املوک , Sugar Bowl : چینی کا پیالا , Confection : شیریں , Candied : شیریں , Brown Sugar : لال رنگ کی شکر , Brittle : مونگ پھلی کی پٹی , Julep : پودینے کا شربت مفرح , Ice Cream : آئس کریم , Brittle : بچوں کی میٹھائی , Caramel : بھنی شکر , Caster Sugar : صفائی سے باریک پسی ہوئی چینی , Funnel Cake : جلیبی , Jaggary : گڑ , Purification : پاک کرنے کا عمل , Candy : ٹافی , Sugariness : میٹھا ذائقہ

Useful Words Definitions

Caramel Bun: rolled dough spread with sugar and nuts then sliced and baked in muffin tins with honey or sugar and butter in the bottom.

Saccharify: convert into a simple soluble fermentable sugar by hydrolyzing a sugar derivative or complex carbohydrate.

Invert Sugar: a mixture of equal parts of glucose and fructose resulting from the hydrolysis of sucrose; found naturally in fruits; sweeter than glucose.

Glycolic Acid: a translucent crystalline compound found in sugar cane and sugar beets and unripe grapes.

Marshmallow: spongy confection made of gelatin and sugar and corn syrup and dusted with powdered sugar.

Molasses: thick dark syrup produced by boiling down juice from sugar cane; especially during sugar refining.

Conserve: fruit preserved by cooking with sugar.

Chutney: a spicy condiment made of chopped fruits or vegetables cooked in vinegar and sugar with ginger and spices.

Candy: a rich sweet made of flavored sugar and often combined with fruit or nuts.

Sherbert: a frozen dessert made primarily of fruit juice and sugar, but also containing milk or egg-white or gelatin.

Pectin: any of various water-soluble colloidal carbohydrates that occur in ripe fruit and vegetables; used in making fruit jellies and jams.

Raspberry: woody brambles bearing usually red but sometimes black or yellow fruits that separate from the receptacle when ripe and are rounder and smaller than blackberries.

Sugary: containing sugar.

Nonsweet: not containing sugar.

Saccharify: sweeten with sugar.

Persimmon: orange fruit resembling a plum; edible when fully ripe.

Sugar Bowl: a dish in which sugar is served.

Confection: a food rich in sugar.

Candied: encrusted with sugar or syrup.

Brown Sugar: unrefined or only partly refined sugar.

Brittle: a sweet made with peanut and sugar.

Julep: bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice.

Ice Cream: frozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring.

Brittle: caramelized sugar cooled in thin sheets.

Caramel: burnt sugar; used to color and flavor food.

Caster Sugar: very finely granulated sugar that was formerly sprinkled from a castor.

Funnel Cake: fried batter doused in sugar syrup.

Jaggary: unrefined brown sugar made from palm sap.

Purification: the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.).

Candy: coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze.

Sugariness: the taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth.

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