Tasab ParastiFirqa ParastiBad GumaniTarafdariBe Ja Taraf DariNafrat KarnaLafzi Maina Se ...Taraf DariGhair Janib DarBe LagHam Jins Parast...Azad KhayaliAdam RawadariTang NazriMaqamiyatSobaiyatFirqa WariyatHat DeharmiIntehai TasabIntehai Katar Pan

غیر جانب دار : Ghair Janib Dar Meaning in English

Ghair Janib Dar Sentence

Ghair Janib Dar Synonyms


Ghair Janib Dar in Detail

1 of 3) غیر جانب دار بے لاگ : Candor Candour Fair-Mindedness Fairness : (noun) ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty.

2 of 3) غیر جانب دار : Impartial Unprejudiced : (adjective) free from undue bias or preconceived opinions.

3 of 3) غیر جانب دار آزاد حالت میں غیر طے شدہ : On The Fence Undecided : (satellite adjective) characterized by indecision.

Useful Words

صلاحیت : Ability : the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment. "We hired you because of your ability to design houses, but you already messed up the measurement in your first try to make a sketch of house".

امتیاز : Discrimination : the cognitive process whereby two or more stimuli are distinguished. "Discrimination in colors and languages".

بد معاشی : Dishonesty : lack of honesty; acts of lying or cheating or stealing.

فارغ : Free : not taken up by scheduled activities. "Are you free right now ?".

رائے : Judgement : an opinion formed by judging something. "What you don`t get in this world will get on the day of judgment but condition is obey Allah".

ڈزائن کرنا : Do : create or design, often in a certain way. "Do my room in blue".

خیال : Opinion : a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. "Your opinion differs from mine".

جو واجب ادا نہ ہوں : Undue : not yet payable. "An undue loan".

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