Gnu Goat Gnu Gnp Gnome Gneiss Gnawing Mammal Gnawer Gnaw At Go Go About Go After Go Against Go Ahead Go All Out Go Along Go Around Go Away Go Back Go Back On Go Bad

Go meaning in Urdu

Go Sentences

Go Synonyms


Go Definitions

1 of 17) Go, Depart, Go Away : جانا, روانہ ہونا : (verb) move away from a place into another direction.

I had to go.
Would you go with me?+ More

2 of 17) Go, Proceed : جانا : (verb) follow a certain course.

Let it go.
Let bygones be bygones do not worry.+ More

3 of 17) Go, Locomote, Move, Travel : سفر کرنا : (verb) change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically.

How fast does your new car go ?

4 of 17) Go, Adam, Cristal, Disco Biscuit, Ecstasy, Hug Drug, X, Xtc : ایک نشہ : (noun) street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

5 of 17) Go, Become, Get : ہونا, ہو گیا, ہو جانا : (verb) enter or assume a certain state or condition.

Get going!

6 of 17) Go, Extend, Lead, Pass, Run : فراخ کرنا, فاصلہ بڑھانا, پھیلانا : (verb) stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point.

His knowledge doesn't go very far.

7 of 17) Go, Function, Operate, Run, Work : کام کرنا : (verb) perform as expected when applied.

The washing machine won`t go unless it`s plugged in.

8 of 17) Go, Run Low, Run Short : کم ہونا : (verb) to be spent or finished.

The money had gone after a few days.

9 of 17) Go, Endure, Hold Out, Hold Up, Last, Live, Live On, Survive : زندہ رہنا : (verb) continue to live through hardship or adversity.

10 of 17) Go, Buy The Farm, Cash In One's Chips, Choke, Conk, Croak, Decease, Die, Drop Dead, Exit, Expire, Give-Up The Ghost, Kick The Bucket, Pass, Pass Away, Perish, Pop Off, Snuff It : وفات پانا, مرجانا, انتقال کر جانا : (verb) pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life.

11 of 17) Go, Move : جانا : (verb) have a turn; make one's move in a game.

Can I go now?

12 of 17) Go, Blend, Blend In : ملنا : (verb) blend or harmonize.

This sofa won't go with the chairs.

13 of 17) Go, Lead : تک جانا : (verb) lead, extend, or afford access.

This door goes to the basement.

14 of 17) Go, Fit : درست ہونا, صحیح ہونا : (verb) be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired.

15 of 17) Go, Rifle : ناجائز تلاشی لینا : (verb) go through in search of something; search through someone`s belongings in an unauthorized way.

16 of 17) Go : خرچ ہونا : (verb) be spent.

17 of 17) Go, Break, Break Down, Conk Out, Die, Fail, Give Out, Give Way, Go Bad : خراب ہو جانا : (verb) stop operating or functioning.

Go in Idioms

A Spoonful Of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down : Something good makes something bad more better.

Be The Way To Go : To be the best suitable decision, option, or method.

I Really Must Go : I really have to depart.

Don`t Let It Go Any Further : Don`t reveal this information to anyone else.

Go To Any Length : To do anything necessary to accomplish or attain something.

Useful Words

Exit : چلے جانا , Scamper : جلدی میں دوڑنا , Angle : راہ لینا , Shack : پیچھے پیچھے چلنا , Move Back And Forth : آگے پیچھے ہونا , Rachet Up : ایک ہی سمت میں گھومنا , Tendency : جھکاو , Bring About : موڑ دینا , Aim : کسی طرف جانا , Dislodge : جگہ تبدیل کرنا , Draw : دھکیلنا , Get About : آنا جانا , Designate : کسی جگہ کی نشان دہی کرنا , Replace : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ رکھنا , Hoist : اٹھا کر رکھنا , Translocate : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ پہنچانا خاص کر جانوروں کو , Out : باہر نکلنا , Displace : چیز کو ایک جگہ سے ہٹانا , Rush Away : بھاگنا , Lift Off : پرواز کر جانا , Beat A Retreat : تیزی سے پسپائی اختیار کر لینا , Conge : جانے کی اجازت , Discharge : برطرفی , Atilt : جھکا ہوا , Radio Compass : ریڈیائی قطب نما , Coming Back : واپس آنا , Against The Wind : ہوا کے مخالف رخ پر , Digressive : بھٹکتا ہوا , Come : چلنا , Clearance : اجازت , Go-Ahead : آگے بڑھنے کا اشارہ ٹریفک سگنل پر

Useful Words Definitions

Exit: move out of or depart from.

Scamper: to move about or proceed hurriedly.

Angle: move or proceed at an angle.

Shack: move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly.

Move Back And Forth: move in one direction and then into the opposite direction.

Rachet Up: move by degrees in one direction only.

Tendency: a general direction in which something tends to move.

Bring About: cause to move into the opposite direction.

Aim: move into a desired direction of discourse.

Dislodge: change place or direction.

Draw: cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense.

Get About: move around; move from place to place.

Designate: indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively.

Replace: take the place or move into the position of.

Hoist: move from one place to another by lifting.

Translocate: move from one place to another, especially of wild animals.

Out: moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden.

Displace: cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense.

Rush Away: depart in a hurry.

Lift Off: depart from the ground.

Beat A Retreat: depart hastily.

Conge: formal permission to depart.

Discharge: the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart).

Atilt: departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal.

Radio Compass: a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals.

Coming Back: the occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction.

Against The Wind: in the direction opposite to the direction the wind is blowing.

Digressive: (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects.

Come: proceed or get along.

Clearance: permission to proceed.

Go-Ahead: a signal to proceed.

Related Words

Mdma : چست رہنے کی دوا , Abort : نشو نما روک دینا , Change : بدل جانا , Break : توڑنا , Come About : واقع ہونا , Asphyxiate : دم گہونٹ کر ماردینا , Drown : ڈوب کر مرجانا , Predecease : پہلے مر جانا , Crash : چلتے چلتے رک جانا , Circulate : پھیل جانا , Bluff : فریب دینا , Open : شروع کرنا , Misfire : بندوق نہ چلنا , Famish : فاقے سے مرنا , Malfunction : خرابی , Whish : زناٹے سے گزر جانا , Blow : چھوڑدینا , Be : زندہ رہنا , Exist : گزارا کرنا , Hold Up : جمے رہنا , Fall : جنگ میں مرنا
