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Guild meaning in Urdu

Guild Synonyms


Guild Definitions

1) Guild, Club, Gild, Lodge, Order, Social Club, Society : انجمن, ہم خیال لوگوں کی تنظیم, سماج : (noun) a formal association of people with similar interests.

Useful Words

Chamber Of Commerce : ایوان تجارت , Alliance : میثاق , Association : انجمن , Band : گروہ , Aarp : بزرگوں کی فلاحی تنظیم , Militarism : جارحیت , Abnegation : ایثار , Mass : انبار , Camper : خیمے والا , Complain : شکایت کرنا , Homeopathy : ہومیوپیتھک علاج , Walk : ساتھ دینا , Gang : غنڈوں کی جماعت , Drop : تنظیم سے خارج کرنا , Asocial : دوسروں سے الگ تھلگ , Look Out : خیال کرنا , Associate : اتحاد میں آنا , Adverse : مخالف , Support : تائید , Affiliated : وابستہ , Break Up : ختم کرنا , Conjunct : منسلک , Emissary : قاصد , Self-Absorbed : اپنی ذات , Contaminated : آلودہ , Concern : تعلق , Disassociate : لاتعلق ہونا , Consortium : کنسورشیم , Break : بچھڑ جانا , Appeal : متاثر کرنا , Unsocial : اکل کھرا

Useful Words Definitions

Chamber Of Commerce: an association of businessmen to protect and promote business interests.

Alliance: a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim.

Association: a formal organization of people or groups of people.

Band: an unofficial association of people or groups.

Aarp: an association of people to promote the welfare of senior citizens.

Militarism: a political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force and to be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.

Abnegation: renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others.

Mass: an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people).

Camper: someone living temporarily in a tent or lodge for recreation.

Complain: make a formal accusation; bring a formal charge.

Homeopathy: a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated.

Walk: be or act in association with.

Gang: an association of criminals.

Drop: terminate an association with.

Asocial: given to avoiding association with others.

Look Out: to protect someone's interests.

Associate: bring or come into association or action.

Adverse: contrary to your interests or welfare.

Support: aiding the cause or policy or interests of.

Affiliated: being joined in close association.

Break Up: bring the association of to an end or cause to break up.

Conjunct: bound in close association.

Emissary: someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else.

Self-Absorbed: absorbed in your own interests or thoughts etc.

Contaminated: corrupted by contact or association.

Concern: something that interests you because it is important or affects you.

Disassociate: part; cease or break association with.

Consortium: an association of companies for some definite purpose.

Break: discontinue an association or relation; go different ways.

Appeal: attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates.

Unsocial: not seeking or given to association; being or living without companions.

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