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Health Care meaning in Urdu

Health Care Sentence

Health care is a right of our people.

Health Care Synonym

Health Care Definitions

1 of 2) Health Care : بیمار کا بیمہ : (noun) social insurance for the ill and injured.


2 of 2) Health Care, Healthcare : صحت کا خیال : (noun) the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession.

Useful Words

Medicare : طبی دیکھ بھال , Care Delivery : صحت کی سہولیات کی فراہمی , Medicaid : طبی امداد , Clinic : شفاخانہ , Health Insurance : صحت کا بیمہ , Insured : بیمہ دار , Gynaecologist : ماہر امراض نسواں , Hospital : ہسپتال , Dietician : ماہرغذائیات , Holistic Medicine : مجموعی علاج , Invalidism : معذوری , Bounce Back : صحت یاب ہونا , Health Hazard : مضر صحت , Good For You : صحت بخش , Unhealthy : غیر صحت بخش , Sanitariness : صحت افزا ماحول , Feel Like A Million : ہشاش بشاش ہونا , Noxious : جسمانی اور دماغی صحت کے لئے مہلک , Worse : بیمار پڑنا , Rehabilitate : ٹھیک ہوجانا , Recuperate : صحت بحال ہونا , Spa : کسی چشمے یا سمندر کے کنارے واقع ہوٹل , Debility : کمزوری , Healthfulness : تندرستی , Alterative : صحت بخش , Hygienic : صحت بخش , Haleness : صحت , Sanitation : صحت و صفائی , Fettle : تندرست ہونا , Ill-Being : برے حالات , Affliction : بیماری

Useful Words Definitions

Medicare: health care for the aged; a federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over.

Care Delivery: the provision of health care.

Medicaid: health care for the needy; a federally and state-funded program.

Clinic: a healthcare facility for outpatient care.

Health Insurance: insurance against loss due to ill health.

Insured: a person whose interests are protected by an insurance policy; a person who contracts for an insurance policy that indemnifies him against loss of property or life or health etc.

Gynaecologist: A gynecologist is a healthcare professional who specializes in women`s reproductive health and medical conditions related to the female reproductive system.

Hospital: a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care.

Dietician: a dietitian is a qualified healthcare expert with expertise in nutrition. They evaluate individuals` dietary requirements, offer recommendations for nutritious eating, create dietary plans, and provide support for addressing different health concerns by adjusting nutrition and diets accordingly.

Holistic Medicine: medical care of the whole person considered as subject to personal and social as well as organic factors.

Invalidism: chronic ill health.

Bounce Back: improve in health.

Health Hazard: hazard to the health of those exposed to it.

Good For You: promoting health; healthful.

Unhealthy: not conducive to good health.

Sanitariness: the state of being conducive to health.

Feel Like A Million: be in excellent health and spirits.

Noxious: injurious to physical or mental health.

Worse: changed for the worse in health or fitness.

Rehabilitate: Help someone to restore his or her health after addiction or illness.

Recuperate: restore to good health or strength.

Spa: a health resort near a spring or at the seaside.

Debility: the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age).

Healthfulness: the quality of promoting good health.

Alterative: tending to cure or restore to health.

Hygienic: tending to promote or preserve health.

Haleness: a state of robust good health.

Sanitation: the state of being clean and conducive to health.

Fettle: a state of fitness and good health.

Ill-Being: lack of prosperity or happiness or health.

Affliction: a condition of suffering or distress due to ill health.

Related Words

Aid : نگرانی

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