High Hat High Ground High German High Gear High Frequency High Finance High Fidelity S... High Fidelity High Holiday High Holy Day High Horse High Jinks High Jinx High Jump High Life High Mallow High Mass High Muckamuck High Noon High Pitch

High Holiday meaning in Urdu

High Holiday Synonym

High Holiday Definitions

1) High Holiday, High Holy Day : تہوار کا دن : (noun) Holy days observed with particular solemnity.


Useful Words

Recurrent Fever : لوٹ آنے والا بخار , Heavy Metal : بھاری دھات , Jet Stream : تیز رفتار آندھی , Expensive : مہنگا , Quarter Day : سال کی چوتھائی عرصے کو ظاہر کرنے والےچار دنوں میں سے کوئی ایک , Flourish : بڑھنا , Howitzer : چھوٹی توپ , Hdl Cholesterol : اچھی چکنائی , Alpha-Lipoprotein : اعلی کثافت کی لیپوپروٹین , Honeymoon : شادی کے بعد کی چھٹیاں منانا , Feria : کام کا دن , Fourth Of July : یوم آزادی , Honeymoon : شادی کے بعد کی چھٹیاں , Bivouac : پڑاو , Movable Feast : مذہبی چھٹی کا دن , Bank Holiday : تعطیلات بنک , Channukah : یہودیوں کا کا تہوار جو آٹھ دن رہتا ہے , 14 July : فرانس کا قومی دن , Christmas : عیسائیوں کی عید , High-Crowned : اونچی ٹوپی , Aloud : بلند آواز سے , Costly : مہنگا , High-Backed : اونچے کمر پشتے والا , Heights : اونچی جگہ , Soar : بلند پروازی کرنا , High-Principled : اعلی اصولوں والا , Rack : اڑانا , Lob : پھینکنا , North Peak : ۱۹۳۷۰ فٹ بلند , Yelp : تیز اور باریک آواز میں چلانا , Choker : اونچا کالر

Useful Words Definitions

Recurrent Fever: marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several months.

Heavy Metal: a metal of relatively high density (specific gravity greater than about 5) or of high relative atomic weight (especially one that is poisonous like mercury or lead).

Jet Stream: a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere; has important effects of the formation of weather fronts.

Expensive: high in price or charging high prices.

Quarter Day: a Christian holy day; one of four specified days when certain payments are due.

Flourish: make steady progress; be at the high point in one`s career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance.

Howitzer: a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that fires shells at high elevations for a short range.

Hdl Cholesterol: the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins; the `good` cholesterol; a high level in the blood is thought to lower the risk of coronary artery disease.

Alpha-Lipoprotein: a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the blood; composed of a high proportion of protein and relatively little cholesterol; high levels are thought to be associated with decreased risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Honeymoon: spend a holiday after one`s marriage.

Feria: a weekday on which no festival or holiday is celebrated.

Fourth Of July: a legal holiday in the United States.

Honeymoon: a holiday taken by a newly married couple.

Bivouac: a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent.

Movable Feast: a religious holiday that falls on different dates in different years.

Bank Holiday: any of several weekdays when banks are closed; a legal holiday in Britain.

Channukah: (Judaism) an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem in 165 BC.

14 July: a legal holiday in France celebrating the storming of the Paris bastille in 1789.

Christmas: a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland.

High-Crowned: (of a hat) having a high crown.

Aloud: with relatively high volume.

Costly: having a high price.

High-Backed: having a high back.

Heights: a high place.

Soar: fly upwards or high in the sky.

High-Principled: having high principles.

Rack: fly in high wind.

Lob: propel in a high arc.

North Peak: 19,370 feet high.

Yelp: a sharp high-pitched cry (especially by a dog).

Choker: a high tight collar.

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