High-Sounding High-Risk High-Rise High-Resolution High-Ranking High-Protein Diet High-Principled High-Priced High-Speed High-Speed Steel High-Spirited High-Spiritedness High-Stepped High-Stepping High-Strength B... High-Strung High-Sudsing High-Tail High-Tech High-Tension

High-Speed meaning in Urdu

High-Speed Sentence

A high speed food processor.

High-Speed Synonym

High-Speed Definitions

1) High-Speed, High-Velocity : تیز رفتار : (satellite adjective) operating at high speed.


Useful Words

Jet Stream : تیز رفتار آندھی , Rapid : تیز رفتار , Festinate : جلدی کرنا , Breakneck : تیز , Career : تیزی سے گزرنا , Bullet : تیز رفتار ٹرین , Speedway : شاہراہ جہاں تیز رفتاری کی اجازت ہو , Expressway : تیز آمد و رفت کے لیے مخصوص شاہراہ , Burnup : عام سڑک پر تیز رفتار موٹر سائیکل دوڑ , Heat Barrier : رفتار کی حد , Centrifugate : افزودہ کرنے کا آلہ , Attack Aircraft : لڑاکا جہاز , Torpedo Boat : جنگی کشتی , Reaction Engine : جیٹ انجن , Drum Sander : لکڑی ادھیڑ نے والا طاقتور آلہ , Machmeter : ہوا کی پیمائش کرنے والا میٹر , Sonic : صدائی لہروں کا , Heavy Metal : بھاری دھات , Expensive : مہنگا , Supersonic : آواز کی رفتار سے زیادہ تیز , Flourish : بڑھنا , Howitzer : چھوٹی توپ , Hdl Cholesterol : اچھی چکنائی , Alpha-Lipoprotein : اعلی کثافت کی لیپوپروٹین , High-Potential : ہائی ولٹیج , Recurrent Fever : لوٹ آنے والا بخار , High-Tension : ہائی وولٹیج , Gun : بندوق , Windburn : ہوا سے متاثرہ , Anti-Personnel Bomb : ایک قسم کا بم , High : سب سے تیز گیئر

Useful Words Definitions

Jet Stream: a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere; has important effects of the formation of weather fronts.

Rapid: characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed.

Festinate: act or move at high speed.

Breakneck: moving at very high speed.

Career: move headlong at high speed.

Bullet: a high-speed passenger train.

Speedway: road where high speed driving is allowed.

Expressway: a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic.

Burnup: a high-speed motorcycle race on a public road.

Heat Barrier: a limit to high speed flight imposed by aerodynamic heating.

Centrifugate: rotate at very high speed in order to separate the liquids from the solids.

Attack Aircraft: a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air.

Torpedo Boat: small high-speed warship designed for torpedo attacks in coastal waters.

Reaction Engine: a jet or rocket engine based on a form of aerodynamic propulsion in which the vehicle emits a high-speed stream.

Drum Sander: a power tool used for sanding wood; an endless loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor.

Machmeter: speedometer for measuring the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound.

Sonic: (of speed) having or caused by speed approximately equal to that of sound in air at sea level.

Heavy Metal: a metal of relatively high density (specific gravity greater than about 5) or of high relative atomic weight (especially one that is poisonous like mercury or lead).

Expensive: high in price or charging high prices.

Supersonic: (of speed) greater than the speed of sound in a given medium (especially air).

Flourish: make steady progress; be at the high point in one`s career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance.

Howitzer: a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that fires shells at high elevations for a short range.

Hdl Cholesterol: the cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins; the `good` cholesterol; a high level in the blood is thought to lower the risk of coronary artery disease.

Alpha-Lipoprotein: a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the blood; composed of a high proportion of protein and relatively little cholesterol; high levels are thought to be associated with decreased risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

High-Potential: operating on or powered by a high voltage.

Recurrent Fever: marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several months.

High-Tension: subjected to or capable of operating under relatively high voltage.

Gun: a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel).

Windburn: redness and irritation of the skin caused by exposure to high-velocity wind.

Anti-Personnel Bomb: a bomb with only 10 to 20 per cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments; most effective against troops and vehicles.

High: a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed.

Related Words

Fast : تیزی سے
